Sunday 4 March 2018

Resolve all predicaments of career choice decisions

As young boys and girls pass out from college armed with a degree, mixed feelings are experienced by them. They are both happy and worried - happy because of the degree and worried because of the uncertainty of the future. The feeling of euphoria that is generated because of the fact they are graduates may tend to subdue the feeling of worry. And hence there is some element of anxiety, though it does not come to the fore. 
Statistics indicate that nearly half of fish graduates fail to find a suitable job immediately after leaving college. Therefore, it is no surprise to see them struggling to get into a job as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the manner in which the youth goes about hunting for a job adds to their predicaments. Their career choice satisfaction is influenced greatly by their capability to arrive at good career decisions.
Making career decisions entails two different methodologies. The first one involves deciding on and pursuing a course of action that meets minimum individual needs to accomplish an objective. Boys and girls who adopt this method are quick to secure the very first job that meets their fundamental aspirations and which comes their way. The second method is to carry out detailed evaluation of all available options and then select a career that is most suited for them. 
All people who research career options in detail encounter unusual challenges while making career decisions. They suffer from a limited capability to sensibly and pragmatically examine different career options and arrive at the best one. They strive to to evaluate each and every option that supposedly qualifies to meet their own standards before making a final decision. This process demands more time and more often than not, the process turns out to be a vexatious exercise. The circumstances are similar to a highway from which several roads branch off; a motorist is confused on the turn he should take. Likewise, if you have many options available to you, you will get confused and eventually end up combatting only question marks. A thought process like this is unlikely to yield positive results; it can even impact your health and wellbeing. Therefore, any initiative to make colossal efforts just to identify that single, ideal career opportunity from amongst a horde of them can result in inconvenience and even harm. The confusion that prevails leads to predicaments that tend to obstruct your decision making ability.  
To resolve all predicaments associated with career choice decisions, there are some issues that you should understand and deliberate upon. They are:
  • Have a practical approach to the employment scene: You have to view the employment scene as it exists with pragmatism and come to terms with the prevalent tough conditions. Things will be moving at a fast pace, though you may feel otherwise. Identifying your ideal opportunity and also clutching it are both monumental tasks. It is thus incumbent on you to have a practical approach towards everything and accordingly make small adjustments to your aspirations.  You should keep in mind that a sensible and practical approach towards your hopes and desires will increase your comfort and satisfaction levels, especially those pertinent to the choice that you make.
  • Be determined & purposeful: If you are required to arrive at a decision, there should be nothing that prevents you from doing so. You cannot keep delaying the decision by reflecting on the pros and cons of it endlessly. If a decision-making process is unduly put off, the degree of consternation and worry that will afflict your mind will be extreme and severe.  Therefore, you must set a deadline for yourself in this context. You should always remember that a decision that you make is binding. However, no career decision is absolute and hence, can be modified at any subsequent stage. 
  • Take responsibility for your decisions: It is necessary that you focus on the positive fallouts of your your career or job choices. Unnecessary reflection on and brooding over missed opportunities serve no fruitful use.  Whatever has happened is primarily because of your inability to comprehend things and make a decision. Your efforts should thus revolve around only upbeat issues so that your career advancement and the happiness it offers to you is made possible and expedited.  
You will certainly taste success if you advance in the direction of your dreams with conviction and confidence. If that has to be the case, you need to have no doubt whatsoever about what you seek in your career and life alike. You will have to work tirelessly to accomplish your goals. In the light of the foregoing, making good career choice decisions is dependent on your self-awareness. However, you must rely on your instincts too and consider what your inner voice tells you.

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