Friday 23 March 2018

Plan to realise your dreams while at college

     Your years at college are important for your career. You get armed with a degree alright, but you also expand your range of interests, activities, and knowledge. You may not acquire specialised knowledge, but the knowledge that you acquire help you to embark upon a career. However, your degree cannot be regarded as passport for success.
Graduating from college and entering the workforce is a seemingly difficult possibility. You spend around three years figuring out what your future should be like and what you should do to make that happen. Perhaps you may realise that the workplace of today is plagued with intense competitions and that you will face then from your friends too. You would surely like to be ahead of them before you actually begin your job search. 
If you plan your career while at college, you will be  beginning the race with an advantage. It is not necessary to gain a big lead, but your thinking has to be strategic for sure. A well-thought of career plan will facilitate a confident navigation through crucial options available to you at the college itself. The prime constituents of any career plan are self-awareness vis-a-vis decisions required to be made and your own personality. You will also need to develop a mental portrait of how the working world functions and identify various methods by which you can make useful contributions.
The basis of your career choice will be discovery and informed choice. If you devote time to ponder about what is significant to you, you will perhaps get to know the nature of work that you can take up; you can then draft appropriate objectives to make certain that you graduate within the desired timeframe. You will thus find direction and will be able to establish a career path at the earliest and start earning and deriving job satisfaction without undue waiting. Today, you can get to see highly qualified people banging their heads against the wall to secure a good job. The predicament gets reduced if they remain determined. What is required is a plan, without which, you will continue to live in a world of uncertainty. But before that, you need to make a career decision which can be brought about by grabbing various opportunities offered by your college to prepare yourself for the career of your choice.
The degree of difficulties that you will face as you move ahead in your career journey will  increase; it is then that the importance of your plan will come into play. Most college students fail to understand this truth and the fact that it is your first job that will set your bearings on a path that will be difficult to modify later. And if at all you decide to switch over to a different career, your predicaments will multiply because of non-availability of suitable jobs. To overcome such problems, the earlier you get to know your cup of tea, the better it will be. The best way out will be to follow your passions and take up a job that is in harmony with them.
You will need to set objectives for yourself and which you should vow to accomplish within pre-decided timeframes. Impractical objectives, lack of resolve and an absence of a schedule will prompt you to act on simple conjecturing. Therefore, you need to decide where you need to go; otherwise you would not go anywhere. Your objectives will also need to be also need to be spurred to allow you to head in the correct direction and make correct decisions. However, you need to remember that formulation of objectives alone will lead you nowhere; you will have to draft methods which when adopted will facilitate their accomplishment. 
Having found out what you seek, you need to allot precedence to different initiatives required to be taken by you. Most of your desires and actual proclivity will be in sync and hence your objectives should be pertinent to them. Your objectives can be further narrowed down and which can be researched to put you on a sound footing.
Remember that true education begins when you enter college and the first fruit of success that you taste its your first job. You cannot afford to rejoice indefinitely thereafter but understand that achieving further excellence will be in your career interests. Your career journey thus goes on; you will set new objectives, gain new skills and have newer job options. It is essential that as time passes, you refine your objectives as also methods to accomplish them, But following your passions will always stand you in good stead.

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