Saturday 31 March 2018

Make your career more meaningful

All men and women feel that they ought to work hard to be successful in their careers and to have an effect. But whether or not they do that is an issue that has a big question mark. However, if they do, there is no way that they will not do well in their jobs and careers alike.
It has generally been seen that with the passage of time, people become disinterested and start hoping for the best, but without any efforts on their part. They suffer from feelings that things will automatically be falling in place. The fact is that such people are simply mediocre, are present wherever they are just for the heck of it and fail to exert themselves adequately. There are many people who do not take initiative and need to be goaded to act. All such people fail to make any impact and hence make no difference.
If you are one who wants to make a difference, you just cannot be lackadaisical and casual. You cannot afford to take things easy and yet hope that you will excel. You have to make a difference and make an impact. And nobody will ever do that on your behalf; the hard work has to come from you and come from within. The foregoing means that you have to adopt positive methodologies at work; you will find that your satisfaction levels will rise enormously and you will be more prone to be creative in your work applications. You will be able to make your career more meaningful. 
The above notwithstanding, the million dollar question is, “How can you make your career more meaningful?” You can certainly infuse your career with renewed vigour and contentment if you are:
  • Purposeful & determined:  If you are not determined and purposive, you will always suffer from indecisiveness and fail to advance in your career. Therefore, you should be firm and unswerving so that you can accomplish whatever you seek to. A  feeling of resolve will also help you appreciate the good qualities in others and view them positively; and in the bargain, not regard yourself excessively. And once that happens, you will become more dynamic and take appropriate initiative at all times. You will thus stop looking for undue guidance and directions from others and gradually gain full control over your career. The feeling of satisfaction that you will get when you are at the wheels of your career will bring about new feelings of enthusiasm and zealousness; and you will get to possess and display immense logic. A potent action plan will take you to the moon.
  • Perceptive & discerning:  When you make an endeavour to be insightful, you release yourself to the world of imagination. And when that happens, you start thinking out-of-the-box and get brilliant ideas. All ideas that cross your mind should be made a note of; subsequently, you must reflect on the likely people who will be impacted by your initiative. A record of all such people should invariably be made so that you can envision them with clarity. The way you ought to proceed so that you are able to generate that telling impact on them will also have to be worked out in fair detail; the course of action that you decide should then be followed without any deviation.
  • Effectual & decisive: You cannot wait endlessly for a chance to come your way to make an impact. There will be opportunities galore and you can take appropriate initiative any where and anytime for the simple reason that you are well aware of what and how you are required do. The people who you are going make an impact upon are already discerned by you; al you need to do is to start proceeding to deal with them one by one and keep moving ahead. There prevails among us a fallacy that it is difficult to focus on others if the focus is on ourselves too. The truth is that your zeal and fervour rises when you shift your focus from yourself to others. If that happens, you will encounter better prospects and opportunities. And if your career happens to be at a point that is not in harmony with your ambitions and you want to get out of such a disheartening situation, opportunities existing around you will put everything in order.
It should always be kept in mind that your resolve alone will help you distinguish between the impossible and possible. It is no way that your skilfulness and perseverance will not pay dividends. Remember that all glorious accomplishments are brought about by firm determination and not luck. If you are determined, you will make be able to your career more meaningful. 

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