Saturday 31 March 2018

Save your career from being crippled

The environment will always have many people who have always aspired to accomplish big things in life and luck has favoured them. There will also be a horde of people who, by virtue of their own actions have crippled their careers. Career success thus, is all contingent on how you go about achieving it. 
You may have big dreams vis-a-vis your career, but if you do not set about on your career journey in the correct direction, you are likely to attain any of your objectives. But with if you set well-defined goals for yourself, act boldly, know yourself well, put in hard work and communicate your views in a candid manner, you will be able to prevent your career from being crippled.  Some factors of influence that will help you shape your career for the better are:
  • Have well-enunciated objectives: Objectives that are well-defined are necessary to excel in life. You should have no doubts about them as also everything about them that matter. And then you should go after them relentlessly. The major reason why people are not successful in their careers is their inability to relate their penchants and skills with them. And of course, they do not learn from their mistakes too. If you are aware of yourself and what you want to do, you will be able to identify more opportunities. The need to have a clear mind and be self-confident at all times should be understood so that you do not miss out on good opportunities coming your way.
  • Make your apprehensions contribute to your success: It should be understood that all feelings of alarm and helplessness are not conducive to your career interests and wellbeing. You should be aware of your strengths and hence learn to display your capabilities. When you shoulder responsibilities with seriousness, you will automatically do that.  The truth is that doing so is the only way to advance in your career; any botches should be seen as learning experiences. You will realise that there will be several distractions and influences at your workplace and they will impact your productivity, but you should not let them have the better of you. But if you act to the contrary, you will see success becoming a distant dream. You will thus have to rise up to the occasion and take initiative to make all your fears as a propelling factor for your success.
  • Know what you stand for: If you want to have no ambiguity about your aspirations and ambitions, you should be fit enough to safeguard your boundaries and know what your priorities are. There are scores of people who understand their fortes and objectives very well, but fail to move ahead in their career. There could be many reasons for this, but the major one perhaps is an increased tendency to live in a world of fear and uncertainty. You will have to overcome them so that you are strong enough to uphold your needs and have no reluctance in demanding them, if necessary.
  • Maintain a high degree of dedication: You should always try to generate positive situations for yourself even if people around you view you with doubt. Dedication implies work with enthusiasm and in organisational interests; the foregoing will also call for embarking on difficult and unusual courses of action. It is essential that you view matters in their correct perspective and when things appear to be moving off-track, corrective actions should be initiated, even if that necessitates seeking help from others. Maintaining a high degree of dedication implies working to accomplish your objectives with steadfastness, but concurrently being amenable to advice and suggestions. You should remember that people who know what their shortcomings and make efforts to overcome them do well in all their pursuits, careers and life alike.
  • Nurture good relationships: It is also essential that in your move forward, you do not remain self-centred; displaying due consideration to others will always stand you in good stead. You cannot advance in your career if you work in a vacuum. Your efforts have to be directed to network with others and nurture good relationships. Man, by temperament is a social being and therefore, you must realise the need to help and engage others to be successful. The foregoing will be rendered easy if you share common principles and enjoy the confidence of others. It is important that you do not move around with haughtiness or fall prey to sycophancy in any form. You should also guard against exerting your authority in a negative manner.
You can be successful in your career by adopting various means. But if they are not founded on values and consideration, you will run into problems. And when that happens, your career journey will become an extremely bumpy ride; at the end of it, you will feel as if you have not achieved anything. Therefore, it is necessary that you make efforts to ensure that your career does not get crippled.

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