Friday 20 April 2018

Locate & seize career opportunities

The world abounds in opportunities waiting to be grabbed. And then, there are associated pressures too that cannot be done away with. Opportunities can only be grabbed if you can see them; being able to to do that calls for a careful disposition and initiative. If you are sincere for your career advancement, you should be adept at looking out for opportunities that gel with your penchants and overall personality. However, the foregoing is not a very simple process, may take time and demands patience.
No opportunity will ever come with an announcement of its worth. So, how do you locate and seize career opportunities? There are so many opportunities all around you and it may be rather difficult doing that. Therefore, you need to be on a constant lookout for them. And make that a habit too. Whenever you are able to locate an opportunity, you must record it; if the list becomes long, you can always delete those that may not be high on the relevance rating. Some tips on the issue are:
  • Look for hidden opportunities: There will be numerous job openings that may not be made known in the public domain. You may not even come to know of some opening in your present organisation to. Therefore, you should be on the lookout for them. It is also necessary that you increase your networking; this will help you to brush up your knowledge about all new developments and emerging trends. If you take up any honorary assignment, it will assist you in acquiring new skills, updating your knowledge base and expanding your network. The foregoing will certainly facilitate identification of new openings.
  • Know your strengths & weaknesses: The need to know and comprehend what your strengths and weaknesses needs no emphasis. In order to know your strengths, you should be able to identify tasks from which you derive happiness and satisfaction; and also those that you do not want to undertake for any reason whatsoever. You may be following some principles and standards that others do not follow; if you can identify them, you will be in a better position to identify opportunities cut out for you. It will be better if you maintain a list of people who you know and who can help you when the need arises. You must respect viewpoints of others and make efforts to know how they feel about you. There will be some weak spots in you, which you should deliberate upon so that they can be transformed into positive tools for your advancement.
  • Identify issues pertinent to you: Are you aware of different issues that are important for you? It is essential that you discover a job that is ideally suited for you. This can be achieved if you deliberate afflict upon aspects like your lifestyle, both current and aspired, remuneration, contentment, goals and qualifications. But most importantly, you should consider if an available opportunity is worth it or not in terms of excitement and growth prospects. In addition, you may consider any and all other factors that may be pertinent to you.
  • Prune your list of likes: Having understood your strengths, weaknesses and preferences together with different opportunities ahead you, you must catalogue opportunities that you think are the best. This is help you to avoid making undue efforts. Every single opportunity that you record should be evaluated for its worth, implying everything that it involves, the manner in which it will impact you and the benefits that it is likely to offer you. Concurrently, you should examine various methods that should be adopted tomato the best use of them in conjunction with your qualifications and skill-sets. It goes without saying that there will be adverse fallouts too and you should dwell on their likelihood too. It is only after an all-inclusive examination that you will be able to narrow down on an opportunity that is best suited to you.
  • Get set for the plunge: After you identify an opportunity that you feels ideal for you, you should prepare yourself for the plunge. And the best way to do that is by amalgamating it in your personal goals. After after this, you can decide to reflect upon various initiatives required to be taken by you to facilitate reaping maximum benefits. If you feel that you need to acquire more qualifications or experience, you must make serious efforts in that direction. The likelihood of being able to identify an opportunity in your present organisation cannot be discounted; under such a situation, you should make concentrated efforts to make a mark so that your prospects stand boosted.
Remember that any endeavour that you make to find out about career opportunities will always pay you dividends. As you catch hold of them, newer ones will come your way, but if you fail to do so, they will all dry up. You have to be proactive to be successful.

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