Friday 20 April 2018

Decide on what you want your career & life to be

Selecting a career can be a rather disconcerting effort, however, if you have different options in front of you and adequate time at hand to reflect over them, things can turn out to be better. There were times when people believed in sticking on to a job forever. Today it is not so; the career that you embark upon is a significant component of your life. Since you are likely to spend twelve hours of your day at work, the entire process has to be gone about with due diligence. 
In the light of the above, you need to decide on what you want your career and life to be with care. The career that you select has to gel with your inherent personality and passions. It should be such that when you seek a change, you should be held down. Some tis in this context are:
  • Enunciate your ambitions & aspirations: The maiden step should be to discern what you seek to do. This calls for god research to find out what are your passions; and what suits you and your personality. You could well seek assistance from others. It is important to be clear about your aims and the qualifications that you need to be possess that will take you there. You will also have to reflect on the likelihood of switching over to various related disciplines. In addition, the need to contemplate beyond the  extent of your present and future rights and claims also calls for some attention.
  • Pick out skills that prompt you to undertake tasks with pleasure: It is essential that you identify activities that delight you. This will serve as an important pointer of what you want to take up as a career. And once you are able determine a potential line of work, you will be physically and mentally prepared to take it up. You should also make continuous efforts to add on to your knowledge and skills, taking all benefits that may be possible from your networking. Doing so will ensure a ready flow of advice. Any opportunity to gain experience in any way should never be allowed to slip away because the exposure that you get will broaden your horizon and vision.
  • Reflect on your field of work & even beyond: The implication of your career extends much beyond a single job. You could get several types of jobs in a specific career line; this calls for treating all training efforts with an eye on several related jobs in that particular field.  You should keep in mind that the extent a specific line of work has is dependent on your own initiative, resourcefulness, ingenuity, hard work and qualifications. It is necessary that you keep abreast with the latest developments and research on additional qualifications that you would require to move ahead in your career. All your endeavours have to be detailed, methodical and pragmatic so that you are able to discern the shape of things to come and the courses of actions that you may be required to follow.
  • Identify people in similar jobs: Having identified the jobs that go well with your passions, outlook and penchants, you should establish meet people who are already in jobs that are similar to those proposed to be taken up by you. The advice, guidance and direction provided by them will surely be beneficial to you in the long run.  Even informational interviews or volunteering for honorary assignments will make clear your mind of any doubt. 
  • Examine your preferences in the light of your conclusions: The information that you acquire should be examined in the light of the career map thought of by you. The need to arrive at a balanced estimation or judgement vis-a-vis facts needs no emphasis. It is essential that you also consider the type of routine that you want to follow as also the type of life that you seek to lead so that you guard yourself against any possible disappointment at a later stage. 
  • Don't allow negativity take over your reins: Now that you have at hand everything that is necessary to embark upon your dream career, the need will be to stay focussed at all times. An upbeat disposition is what you should adopt and maintain; a flexible approach is also part of a positive approach. In doing so, you will be able to convert challenges and difficult time into opportunities. However, it should be noted that a display of flexibility should not be at the cost of your values. The significant point herein is that you should set out to live a life that you have always dreamt of. 
Remember that nobody gets to live life backward. You have to look ahead because that is where your future lies. Keep your mind and heart focused in the right direction will empower you to live life to the fullest and enjoy the career that you decide to embark upon.

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