Friday 20 April 2018

Reflecting over unemployment

Are you one who has applied for several jobs but have not got a call letter for any? Are you feeling disenchanted with your unemployment and attributing your condition to your bad luck? Like you, there are many more like you and hence, you need not be unduly worried. Unemployment per se is an unpleasant experience but there can be no fixed reason for it. It is only with some perseverance and hard work that you can overcome the disappointment being faced by you. 
Your state of unemployment should be taken as a consequence of not having worked hard enough or that your efforts have not paid off. There is guarantee either that they will pay of in the times to come. It is essential that you display a positive disposition and an upbeat zeal that manifests your ability to take risks. Your outlook has to be bold , to say the least.
While there could be several factors that may have contributed to your unemployment, there is likelihood that you have not been proactive or not been making the desired efforts or even harbouring aspirations not commensurate with your current situation. If you subject yourself to some introspective questioning, you will be able to discern the reasons for your unemployment.  Your responses will also help you in knowing your limitations; such awareness will facilitate in the institution of appropriate remedial steps. You need to ask yourself the following question:
  • Do you think that others are also obliged to get back to you? It should be kept in mind that nobody will ever come to you with a job letter. You may have put in sustained efforts in drafting your resume before applying for jobs; and are now waiting eagerly and confidently for the call letter. If you submitted your application in time and significant time has elapsed after that, it is necessary to get into a proactive mode. It should now be your responsibility to keep making inquiries with the concerned authorities so that you are able to keep tag of every move and opportunity. This will be an obvious manifestation of your avidity, eagerness and tenacity. Till such time you get to know that you have not been considered, it should continue to bug you and implore you to keep making inquiries. Under no circumstances you should adopt a presumptuous approach that your case is under consideration and that a call letter is underway.
  • Do you think that you and and your job search ought to be focussed only on your qualifications: Your focus should not be limited to your own self or for that matter on your aptitude, skills, expertise and knowledge. Many a people do so and when they embark upon their career journey, they fail in the very first phase, that is job search. It is necessary that you do not harbour any such outlook and instead focus on the company that you wish to join. You should be well familiar with all aspects related to the organisation that you are aspiring to be part of; this will help you to make appropriate preparations for the job interview and all discussions or parleys that will have to be engaged in subsequently.
  • Is your general disposition upbeat? Everything that you think and all actions and initiatives that you take reflect your disposition, whether optimistic or pessimistic. If you have a negative outlook, it is more than likely that you will not be able to bag the job that you had applied for. Your state of unemployment is bound to bring about some feeling of dejection, however, it is necessary that you view things in an optimistic manner. You can accomplish that by considering everything in an all-inclusive and pragmatic manner; and taking corrective measures wherever necessary. This will make certain your motivation and inspiration levels are always pitched high. Remember that in sharp contrast with negativity, your fervour and ardour can be passed on to others; in other words, they have telling effects on others.
  • Do you have a rigid or flexible approach? If you have a rigid approach and lack confidence or courage,  your efforts to search for a job will not bear fruit. The resume that you draft should convey an impression that you make sincere efforts to know the latest that is happening in the world. And when you add links to different social media sites, you will convey the right impression. But if you feel that you have not been keeping abreast with the latest developments and innovations, it will be appropriate to enrol yourself for a course to widen your knowledge base. This will convey to your prospective employer your dedication and resolve to do well in life.
Any individual who is inclined to work but cannot lay hands on a job to work perhaps suffers a feeling that cannot be described. The pros and cons of unemployment is best comprehended by an unemployed. You should not be found wanting in your efforts to transform  your unemployment into employment; your job search efforts thus have to be relentless.

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