Thursday 17 May 2018

Dream jobs and their dreamy dimensions

Most people have a tendency to consider dream jobs rather seriously; when they do so, they are prompted by their career aspirations and ambitions. And when they indeed secure one, it is only a matter of time that the hunt for another one. Why is it so? If dream jobs are a reality, then why is it that people want to change jobs when they already in one? Or is it that the image of a dream job is not clear and precise, perhaps only a figment of one’s imagination?
The perception of a dream job varies from person to person. And every individual realises that no job can ever satisfy all needs and make life a truly happy experience. Salary structures and job profiles invariably are two prime factors that weigh on everybody’s mind while considering a job. And in case there is no job satisfaction, the job ceases to be a dream job.
Dream jobs, as the name suggests, exist only in minds. They continue to be regarded as dream jobs so long as there is nothing adverse about them. The happiness associated with dream jobs diminishes when the going gets tough; and that also entails low salaries and additional responsibilities required to be shouldered. And when that happens, dream jobs cease to remain dream jobs and one is forced to embark upon another job search exercise.
Wise people will always tell you that dream jobs abound, but you need to acknowledge and ratify some facts. These facts are:
  • No job can be said to be truly a dream job:  The belief that an ideal job is a dream job is wrong. A perfect job is one that affords you time other pursuits as well. If you remain preoccupied with your job, you are not in your dream job. Your job conditions should offer you opportunities to be happy, contented and rejuvenated. Simply facilitating meeting all personal obligations is not a yardstick of a dream job; you should also be able to walk around and see the sights your life. You should not expect too much from your job; on the contrary, you should carve out a good work-life balance to be able to lead a happy life.
  • Dream jobs are a matter of discernment:  Since dreams are not actualities, how you say that a dream job is. It is all about how you visualise your job and such discernment will vary from person to person. An individual working in a small organisation and whose salary is not high could well consider his job as a dream job because sans it, he may not be able to sustain himself and his family. Therefore, it is all a matter of how you regard your job, both psychologically and sentimentally.  
  • Dream job will not be there for everybody to grasp:  It is quite possible that you are performing many jobs at a time and deriving pleasure from them. If that be so, the term ‘dream job’ is not appropriate. It is quite likely that you will be happy if you give wings to your passions. However, when your passion gets converted into a regular job, your fervour diminishes as also the pleasure that you were deriving. Today, you find people taking up unconventional jobs, but they do not remain dream jobs once you are already into them. It is always better to get into a job that lets you remain in your comfort zone and step into a dream job after some time.
  • You cannot continue to derive happiness from a job forever: The pleasure that you get from a job will continue only if you harbour a pleasurable outlook. Your dream job can surely not ensure that; on the contrary, you can be subject to some tense moments by it. Happiness is always your personal discretion; if you want o be happy, nobody can make you unhappy. Your happiness is contingent on your aspirations and is thus a state that you seek to attain in a couple of years from now.
  • Dream jobs don't pay you handsomely: You may be paid handsomely in your dream job, but this will be an exception rather than a rule. If you have vim in you that attaches a high importance to money, you will eventually have diminished earnings, despite your fondness for the job. There are many people who are passionate about their work and yet make decent amount for their living. The essential point is to draw satisfaction and happiness from work and not bother much about remuneration.  
Despite the above, men and women tend to allow their imagination to run wild as far as their dream jobs are concerned. You have your own perception of what your dream job ought to be like. However, you cannot afford to go in for one on impulse. You must consider various factors associated with it before you actually take up one.

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