Thursday 17 May 2018

Invest in yourself & live life the way you want

You can live your life by following two methods. The first is going through it that leads you dead ends. However, the second one will surely take you to great heights, but calls for investing in yourself. The importance of investing in oneself is not realised by most people when they begin their careers. They do not comprehend its importance as an inescapable requirement to lead a successful life and enjoy a successful career.
The basic reasons why investing in one self is necessary are many and varied, the more important ones are:
  • You become your own boss: You should understand that there is none above you and that you are the best. Imagine that you are the whole sole boss of your company, the ‘Yours Truly Company Private Limited’. The responsibility to ensure that everything in the company works well and that it is all set to be the No. 1 company will evidently be yours. To be able to do this, you will have to draft a strategy, put it into motion with due diligence and ensure that the investments you have made do not plummet.
  • Your self-value increases:  As an inescapable requirement, you need to create two portfolios. The first should keep a record of all your financial details to include your strengths and weaknesses and the second one should have a brief of all your skills, talents and passions together with qualities and skillets that others do not have. If you invest in the second portfolio, your overall value will rise and which will automatically serve to beef up your strengths recorded in the first one.
  • You gain renown and prestige: If you do not exercise your capabilities optimally, greatness will elude you and this will be disastrous by all counts. You can always appreciate your power of eminence by becoming conscious of your faculties and aptitude; and more importantly by investing in your currently latent but otherwise budding attributes. 
  • You give shape to your vision:  The actual responsibility to give a concrete shape to your career is yours and yours alone. If you invest in yourself, you will enjoy clarity of thoughts, mastery over your initiatives and means of implementation. You will find that your future becomes bright. But the need is to always display a risk taking outlook because it is the venturesome who invariably progress in life.
  • The paybacks are the highest:  You may invest in real estate or in the share market and enjoy good returns. However, true returns are those when you invest in yourself because that is what brings about a better you, all set to conquer the world. can invest in the share market or buy property. Investment in yourself facilitates opportunities coming your way and help in giving a shot in the arm of everything possible that ushers career advancement.
  • Your dreams come true:  The purpose and objectives of your career and life alike cannot be left to remain in the realms of your desires. A career that is botched up has immense likelihood of upsetting your objectives in life. Your investment in yourself is a true manifestation of your pledge to attain whatever you dream for and which will be brought about by it.
  • You will be on your own:  In the journey of your life and career, you are unaccompanied and will have to work single-handedly. If you win or lose, the person affected will be you. If you invest in yourself, you stand to benefit because nobody will ever be willing to do so.  
It should be understood that the world is rather complex and it is next to impossible going about accomplishing all your objectives on your own. You may have a high degree of zeal and passion, but there will be times when you will require external help and encouragement. You will have to identify others whom you can bank upon for help. You will have to invest in them. You may have some weaknesses but cannot persist with them. It is necessary that you identify your weaknesses and gear up to overcome them, with assistance if necessary. You cannot prognosticate on how the future will unfold itself for you. It is going to happen that one fine day some years hence, you will remember your past, both good and past. But if you have invested in yourself wisely, you will be all set to face challenges and impediments that your career may encounter.
Considering all the above, the best investment that can be done by you is self-investment. It will change your life for the better and bring in prosperity for your near and dear ones too. And last but not the least, the dividends will keep coming to you on a regular basis.

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