Thursday 28 June 2018

Be alive to current employment trends

Conditions that prevailed in the job market ten years ago are more or less the same even today. The number of job seekers far outnumber the number of jobs available as much today as they did then.  It is therefore, nothing but natural that hirers have vast choices available to them; they are positioned on a higher pedestal and can even dictate salary packages of their employees.
Employees who work hard to remain in an organisation have no alternative but to come to terms with the lower packages being offered to them. However, this may not be applicable to the senior lot, the management of companies are well aware that the true strength lies in the low and middle position employees. But true organisational progresses is dependent on the unquestionable efficient senior lot who are offered compensation packages as demanded..
Few major trends prevalent in today’s job market are
  • Ability to perform: Today, organisations look for employees who can perform and contribute well to their productivity. And keeping that in view, most companies have taken note of technological advancements to include including communication facilities, changes in the pattern of education and shifts in value systems. They have thus adopted new operational methodologies. However, with all the societal and infrastructure changes that are taking place, organisational focus on productivity and output is not compromised. Companies expect their employees to make maximum useful contributions and do not compromise on the performance factor. They want their employees to adhere to new work codes and which call for a flexible approach in order to facilitate achievement of set goals and targets. In other words, non-performers are just not acceptable in any organisation. If an employee is to be viewed as loyal, the only yardstick to gauge it is the quantum of efforts put in to achieve maximum productivity and his or her continued retention is dependant on this requirement.
  • Commensurate remuneration: The trend is that you get paid for what you actually do. In recent times, there has been a marked shift in the modalities related to salaries and perks. One cannot be assured of being granted annual or time-bound increments. You get rewarded for what you do and that is why the compensation packages are a confidential matter. People who are new entrants can draw more salary than those who have been working for more years. If an individual draws a higher salary, it is on account of better professional skills possessed.
  • Dynamism: This attribute has several connotations. Every employee is expected to display initiative & leadership qualities that are commensurate with his or her designation, seniority and role. Emphasis is laid on realising that everybody is a functional part of the organisational hierarchy; and hence is accountable for shoring up organisational representation and foresight. The hitherto fore responsibilities related to superintendence alone are too more valid today. It is expected that every employee possess and display leadership traits, have flexible approach and continually better their expertise to discharge organisational obligations efficiently.
  • Versatility: While weightage on people skills vis-à-vis academic qualifications is another new trend, dual or even triple trades are in vogue. If that be so, versatility of appointments is much sought after. Issues like comprehending and regulating responses; good communication skills, networking and associations; and capability for productive interactions are given due weightage. An employee has to be confident, possess a positive outlook and be capable to work under conditions of stress and strain.
Today, the Indian industry is full of opportunities. While it may be perceived as difficult, employment opportunities exist for everyone. Automobile, aviation, telecommunication, biotechnology, infrastructure development and information technology sectors are expanding. All of them offer scopes to everybody - technical and nontechnical. In addition, banking, hospitality, media, retail, marketing offer good openings. But the inescapable requirement is to be willing to learn and contribute. It goes without saying that metros and larger cities afford greater job prospects. Surveys conducted have revealed that Mumbai and Gurgaon top the list with around forty five per cent share. Delhi surprising has approximately twelve per cent to its credit with Bengaluru close behind with ten percent. Cities like Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Lucknow and Kolkata are fast emerging as job hubs too with their share ranging between six and nine percent.  It all depends upon you as an individual to be on the lookout for circumstances and if you are unable to find them, you must must create them so that you can actuate a meaningful life and career for yourself.

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