Thursday 28 June 2018

Career advancement in today’s competitive world

During the last decade and a half, the world has been witness to many revolutions in the fields of communications, partnership and performance at work. But in the field of career advancement, things have remained unchanged because people still believe that doing well at work is all about rising up in organisational hierarchy. Men and women fail to understand that career advancement is not climbing the corporate ladder; it could well be a lateral movement or even a step back. The truth is that career advancement is a monumental trial of your own fortes and those who fail justifiably feel disenchanted. 
In the present day competitive world, you must adapt yourself to different workplace methodologies. The concept of having a work-life balance is dictated by new factors. The gap that once existed between the two stands reduced because of ongoing technological advancements coupled with availability of reliable communications. Organisations have been suffering immense resource crunches and that has prompted a reduction of hierarchical setups. The pyramid has therefore become steep and difficult. New-fangled career configurations have come about because of the foregoing. The inference thus has been that one cannot indulge in general or restrictive career planning.
People have understood that they cannot eat their cake and have it too. That is why they are more than willing to forego many significant aspects of he personal life in exchange for a job. They are increasingly realising that their job has to keep going and for which, they will have to develop themselves by comprehending the manner in which careers come to pass. Today, career progression is not about how many people you have working under you or how much salary you draw. It is Today, it is not about moving vertically but moving to the forefront. You cannot see a career ladder resting against the wall in front of you and which it is imperative for you to climb in order to be successful in your career. Career success can be accomplished by even lateral or backward movement. The truth is that the entire process of career advancement is something like negotiating obstacles over different tracks and which individually lead you in the direction of success. And when success is within accomplishing distance, you take delight in it. The point to note is that the visualisation of success will vary from person to person.
Considering the above, you ought to have no doubts about what success means to you and accordingly what is the nature of work that you ought to be engaging in. You should also be clear about your objectives and various skills required to attain them; it goes without saying that you will have to make deliberate efforts to acquire them. If you can arrive at your answers without any trial or tribulation, take it for granted that the organisation for which you are working at the present is good.
It is essential that you understand the significance of career advancement for you and the manner in which it can be achieved. If you fail to do this, you can safely assume that you are not moving to the forefront. Now if that happens to be the case, you should reflect upon various factors to find out in no uncertain terms what precisely you are seeking because there does not exist any magical formula for your career advancement. It is also necessary to envision the position that you aspire to be at in the coming years and also how will you do that, including how your current organisation will be able to bring it about.
  You cannot rule out vertical growth in your career altogether. It is also necessary. From the perspective of employers, growth is possible only if there exist suitably qualified people willing to shoulder higher responsibilities. But given the environment that prevails in a majority of organisations, every individual mayn't emerge successful. Under such circumstances, lateral movement or even a step back is also an equally significant manoeuvre. It is the development of knowledge that matters and which should be appreciated in the right spirit.
The modern day career path is like a busy road. You will have to take turns lot the left or right, move into different driving lanes, take detours and even a break so that you you reach your destination. And that calls for great determination and dynamism. Any letdown in your motivation and perseverance can prove to be catastrophic for you. 

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