Thursday 28 June 2018

Check out your career options

Whenever you take up a new path to move on, it is always better to know what is in store for you, You ought to understand everything related to your decision fairly well. And this is equally relevant when you make a career decision. The process of selecting a career option entails obtaining explicit information and evaluating them for their appropriateness vis-facts you.
The first step should be to collect facts and figures about different careers that you feel you could go in for. This can be done by perusing literature and publications that give details about different careers, qualifications that need to be possessed, the nature of work that you will be called upon to do, salaries offered and growth opportunities. You can also carry out research by surfing the internet; various websites that you will be  connected to will provide significant information. However, you need to take everything with a pinch of salt because the information could well be biased. 
You could also get to know different careers through practical knowledge. Whatever you find out can be used to build up on it so that your knowledge bank about what is relevant to you is extensive. Since experience is invariably a long drawn-out process, you will use only viable options. The best option is thus to work in an environment that is similar to the career that you have been wanting to embark upon. In case you fail to get a job in the desired field, you could well work as an intern or take up a part-time job; this will facilitate gaining a practical insight into it. Adherence to working conventions as specified will be an inescapable requirement and any deviation should be avoided. Norms like punctuality, discipline and dress code should always be followed. It will stand you in gain if you make notes of all your observations and avoid asking too many questions. Once your attachment is over, you must send a note of thanks to the concerned people.
A good method of obtaining practical knowledge about various facets of a career is through informational interviews. These entail talking to somebody who is practicing a career that you intend to pursue. It is human tendency to be happy while talking about a subject that happens to be your passion; and any work involves passion. Informational interviews can help you widen your list of con- tacts; people that you meet and add on to your network can be valuable references or influence wielders during your job hunt subsequently. You must make a record of whatever is spoken about and ensure that you get to know how the other person went about preparing for his career. Perhaps, if you adopt the same tactics, you may get into a career and job of your dreams. 
The last step is to evaluate everything related to your career in an all-inclusive manner. You should deliberate upon their plusses and minuses; and be contented if you are able to secure a good salary package. You should make a record of all important features like your fitness and contentment intensities; scope of work and prospects; and opportunity to make use of your skills and ingenuity. If you prioritise things, you will be able to discard issues that are meaningless and irrelevant. As you move ahead with your evaluation, your focus should be to find out things that are necessary and actually exclusive. Due caution will have to be exercised in case you are going to make inferences based on your meetings and encounters. The possibility of some off-centre and exceptional situations of your workplace portraying a wrong picture about a career or those in it already cannot be discounted.
Exercising a correct career choice has inherent difficulties, despite the best of planning and preparation that you may engage in. Any mistakes or aberrations that you commit will be learning experiences. You will be able to refine your thinking process and transform your decision making abilities. However, the point to always remember is that unless you undertake more than your capacity, you will never be able to do whatever you are actually capable of doing. You may go in for any career and there will be numerous rues that will govern it. But none of them will work unless you are on the up and go.

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