Thursday 30 August 2018

Know your druthers before a career change

It is only after having been in a career for some time that you realise whether it has been your cup of tea or not. There are many people who, given an opportunity would certainly go in for a career change. But they have no idea of how to go about doing it. This predicament of not knowing what or how to do is not uncommon among working men and women. But it is an outcome of a lack of flexibility, helplessness to alter one’s outlook and incapability to think unconventionally. What follows is missing out on opportunities.
Some issues that you must reflect upon to come out of your shell and to facilitate taking trailblazing and innovative career initiatives are:
  • Understand that appointments & designations are irrelevant: Do references to appointments and designations limit your thinking process? If you had to catalogue all possible jobs that come to your mind, you are bound to miss out on several of them. If that be so, it simply proves that appointments and designations are not at all relevant. You should focus your efforts on the prime ideas that are important to you as an individual and for your job.
  • Make a list of things that you shouldn’t do: This will not be a big effort at all, particularly if you happen to be in a job that is not to your liking. You will be able to identify irksome and dissatisfying tasks and in the process, be able to concentrate your efforts on those that you derive pleasure from. And thus when a job offer comes your way, you will be able to evaluate it better and accept or reject it without having to unnecessarily wasting time.
  • Make a list of things that you like to do: How do you envision your new career? Are there any yardsticks related to remunerations, position or status that you have set for yourself to attain? You must look within to find out if you are adhering to any tenets and following somebody else’s ideas. This will help you discern what you aspire for or what others would like you to be?
  • Where do you aspire to reach in your career? If all your wishes were to fructify, where would you be heading to? You must keep it in mind that you are all set to move forward and hence, you should not have any limitations on your imagination. You need to be clear about what your career ought to be, including the direction it should take. In the light of the foregoing, you must harbour great, but attainable ambitions and work hard to accomplish them.
  • What is that you would like to accomplish? It is we who do not allow ourselves to impede attainment of our objectives. The aspirations that you harbour should always new worked upon without bothering for what people may opine about you. It is essential that you discern what you need yourself to be permitted to get hold of.
  • How would you restart your life all over again? You need to discover your life’s destination and not be reined in by any factor. If you were to be transformed into an absolutely new personality, how would you like to be? The work that this ‘new you’ would like to do should be found out. Obviously, all these things would inspire you and you should find out where such motivation will lead you.
  • Dream big and work to make it a reality: The new career that you envision for yourself need not be anything extraordinarily splendid. Little alterations can serve to change your life and career momentously. Therefore, it is essential that you think that achieving success in a career change is all about discovering what is apt for you.
The people who succeed in this world are the ones who are ever dynamic and create situations that are favourable to them if they do not come about the natural way. Remember that your life is your life and the earlier you realise this fact, the better it will be for you. A career change can be a disturbing experience but should not be allowed to knock your mental peace down. You need to make a decision on it after due consideration of all factors involved. 

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