Thursday 30 August 2018

Embark upon your career path confidently

You could well be in a job or still pursuing your studies. But the issue of what your career should be like worries everybody. In order to find out a good answer to this vexed question, it is essential that you identify your career objectives and prospective career, including the way forward.
You will realise that your prospective career is all about discovering yourself. Selecting the right career may appear to be difficult because you may not understand which one will go best with your personality and qualifications. Today, you have qualified people who can show you the way out and way forward; you can always seek their help.
The first step in finding out the course your career ought to take is finding out the real you. You may actually be something, but somehow portray something else. It is quite possible that you cope with workplace negativities well, but that may not be your true self. The real you could be waiting to fly and give wings to passions. If you are plagued with such circumstances, you surely need teenage yourself to:
  • Discover who you are:  How do you do this? You can reflect upon your capacities and capabilities; and find out more about your skills and inclinations. Having done that, you can open up with them. Alternatively, you can take special tests to discern your likes.   
  • Understand what you seek to attain:  This is an important exercise. You need to know precisely what you want to accomplish in life. You may have to do some research because your actions will impact your life and wellbeing alike. That is how you will also be able to decide on a career that gels with you as an individual. career counsellors can prove to be of help too in this regard.   
  • Identify means to gain employment: Most job seekers land up in difficult situations by going in for high paying jobs. You should not regard money as a very important factor at all. Aline of action should be drafted by you to facilitate accomplishment of whatever you set out for. It is advisable to write down the career that you seek along with actions required
The issue of identifying your career objectives is very important. It is quite likely that you are clear about them, but are unable to attain them in the timeframe that you desire. If that be so, you need to draft action plans that will facilitate their accomplishment. In order to remind you continuously about them, it is recommended that you reduce them to writing in a diary. You should remember that your career is an embodiment and representation of your personality; and hence. the career path that you select should befit you in all respects. There are many people who fail to seek approval from their inner self about their career; on the contrary, they resort to seeking approval from third persons. In the light of the foregoing, when true endorsement comes from within you, you will invariably enjoy a better sense of direction. 
You should also, rather invariably remember that your career should always be a manifestation of your aspirations, aims and goals – something that you would love doing. After all, the time that you would be spending at work would make up a very large chunk of your life. Therefore, it is judgmental correctness to pursue what you love. It may not be very easy to discern what you actually love doing, however, the following time-tested tips will be beneficial:
  • There is no point procrastinating embarking upon a career path. The earlier you do that, the better it will be.
  • You should focus on whatever you delight in or whatever gives you contentment.
  • While pay and allowances are important factors while selecting a career, attaching more than necessary importance to pecuniary factors should not be done.
  • You can spend as much time as you want to find a job that you love.
  • There should be no reticence on your part to seek whatever you aspire for or desire..
  • You should not waste your time and resources on anything that is not your cup of tea or irrelevant to you.
Going back to what was asserted ab initio, the crux of the matter is that your job search efforts ought to be preceded by a question directed at yourself to find out what precisely you seek to do in your life and career alike. The search will end when you have a permission to from yourself to go in for one or leave your current one to join another. That is how you will be able to bring about cheer in you.

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