Friday 17 August 2018

Set right your career path

In the working world, there are many men and women who are at the same position for donkey’s years. They have not made any progress and are stuck up perhaps in a career that is not to their liking. There will be chefs who wanted to be pilots, doctors who wanted to be lawyers, scientists who wanted to be artists and so on and so forth. They have seemingly taken up career paths that they were not truly passionate to embark upon.
There are several reasons why people embark upon wrong career paths. They may have been compulsions, financial ones perhaps heading the list because it is financial stability alone that gives you satisfaction. There are primarily four reasons why people embark upon wrong career paths: 
  • Placing more trust on intuition: The general tendency among people is to not trust gut feelings. Intuition, it should be understood is your sixth sense that cautions or prompts you about impending things, the need to adopt a specific course of action or maintain status quo. Put differently, gut feelings gear you up to move forward. However, it is important that any action you take should be well deliberated upon; in are you fail to consider the pros and cons of it, the results can turn out to be unfavourable. Yes, it is agreed that gut feelings are also some sort of forewarning apparatuses, but true shrewdness and astuteness on career related issues entails a detailed evaluation of all factors. It is only then that your future will roll out contentment and happiness to you.
  • Not heeding to advice of others: It is necessary that you catalogue all activities that you derive pleasure from. The process of such cataloguing will also afford you pleasure and therefore will not be a difficult affair. However, you should guard against getting carried away by extraneous issues or being unduly influenced by others. Simultaneously, any tendency to not listen to the advice of others, specially those who have years and years of experience or have been your confidants should be curbed.  It is quite likely that some advice may not be sound and you should keep in mind the same. Going about all on your own may put you in a tight situation, thereby making your career advancement an extremely difficult affair. You need to be practical in your approach and keep your wits about. 
  • Not admitting mistakes: It has been seen that people who are not pursuing a correct career path are themselves responsible for all associated predicaments. If at all you have made mistakes, you must evaluate how they took place and initiate necessary steps to preclude their repetition. Turning a blind eye to blunders that you have committed can be catastrophic. At an opportune time, you may decide to look for assistance so that you do not go off-track. It is also essential that you do not suffer from eternal feelings of guilt and regret as they can incapacitate you. You should see your mistakes as learning experiences and hence be motivated to do well. If at all you made a mistake in arriving at a wrong career decision, you should not feel shy in admitting the fact rather than be arrogant and refrain from instituting any remedial measure.
  • Inability to put your qualifications to gainful use: There are many men and women who display great fervour during the initial years of their careers, but with the passage of time, lose out on their steam and adopt a rather callous approach to their job. It is understandable that a career change may be very difficult because of apprehensions that qualifications and skills acquired over a period of years would go down the drain. Harbouring an outlook like that is not recommended; you cannot live your life backwards. Therefore, it is necessary that you remain confident and self-assured; and not allow any fears to have the better of you.
Your career path may well be wrong, but you can always steer yourself in the correct direction. To be able to do tis, you should be able to discern any and every development of the future. Not only that, you should have in place measures to handle adverse occurrences. After all, life is all about maintaining your calm and balance; and hence the need to adopt a practical approach and remain self-assured at all times needs no emphasis. 

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