Saturday 21 April 2012

You alone can endorse your career

Men and women, whether young and old, generally seek endorsements from others. More often than not, they always seek to experience only joyful feelings as pertinent to their selection, preferences and career course. In addition, they also want certification for whatever they do – that they are doing the correct things at appropriate moments. And most importantly, they also seek to make certain that their perspectives are understood and valued by all. The fact is that there is none who is not appreciative of recognition. It is also a fact that recognition makes everybody feel superior.

Endorsement generally becomes an issue if you crave for it a little more than usual. It becomes a bigger problem when your stars are not that bright because its absence has a retarding effect. A large majority of people perceive that endorsement in any form implies being cared for and that they stand acknowledged. Each and every word of approval makes them feel comfortable and insulated internally.    

Genuine endorsement originates from within you; the views that you subscribe to as pertinent to your sphere of activity and your goals serve as impelling factors. External endorsement no doubt affords acclaim, but internal endorsement offers you peace of mind and a feeling of calm, besides a new meaning to your life and a course to remain on.

The question thus is how can you get to endorse your career? Three simple rules that are required to be followed to do so are:

Identify aspects that tend to make you content and pleased in your career.

·   Whatever comes to your mind in this context needs to be reduced to writing. You need to give frank responses to the following specific queries:

ü  What are the responsibilities that you yearn to shoulder?

ü  What are the assignments that you covet?

ü  What is type of workplace atmosphere that you seek?

ü  What type of seniors and colleagues do you want?

ü  Where do you want to be located?

ü  What is the remuneration that you wish you ought to get?

·   The objective behind the exercise is to get your contemplations out in the open so that you are able to see them. And once you get glimpses of them, you can definitely play around with them to advantage. However, you should refrain from talking yourself out of your ideas and plans while your pen is on paper. Remember that all those things that raise your spirits are there inside you. All you need to do is to open the confine and let them come out.

Understand that the only person who has to be paid attention to for sure is you.

·   You can always walk the road that leads to a satisfying career only if you lend ears to yourself. If you ponder over occasions when you did so, you will realize that everything moved in your favour. And if you reflect on times when you did not, you will be able to recall how disappointment came your way.

·   People would have given advice to you; never ever forget that all recommendations and suggestions are actual based on opinions that are not necessarily yours. People harbour their own outlook and standpoints; they also have experiences that perhaps you may not have undergone. But you can always learn from them. Words of advice can definitely be of immense help in walking on that road that leads to a satisfying career. But the most important aspect of the matter is that eventually the person who needs to be listened to is you and you alone. And if you do so, your walk on that road leading to a satisfying career will always be a pleasurable one.  

Anticipate misinterpretation and misconception at the hands of others.

·   If you expect that people will misread you and get the wrong end of the stick, you will never be flabbergasted in life. It is rather a difficult state of affairs when you are chasing an objective and people do not endorse your actions. The situation gets further compounded when no word of encouragement or backup comes from them. It is a known fact that people invariably mean a lot and their guidance, suggestions and help, howsoever small that they may be can matter significantly. But that does not imply that you will not take the first step till such time people gather behind you; and if you do so, your wait can turn out to be endless.

·   The above notwithstanding, people who have a place in our lives are our well-wishers and mean well whenever they give a word of counseling. But they are not you and can never be so. Your visions will never be theirs and theirs never yours. So, there will always be problems understanding what the other person aspires for. If you comprehend this fact, it will dawn on you that you need to be self-reliant and independent. Like everyone, whenever you are in hot water, you can depend on only one individual – the one who knows the in and out of you and who can be your best guide. And that person is you! 

            Getting yourself to endorse your actions requires guts and nerve. If you have them in you, you will be able to keep your head when others point fingers at you. The matter is all about reposing trust in oneself, but concurrently give due consideration to people if they have any reservations about you or your actions. If you endorse your career, no one will be able to hurt you, come the most disastrous moments also. Adversity or prosperity, you will always have the motivation and resolve to hold on.
Remember that to the question of your life, you are the only answer and to the problems of your life, you are the only solution. But you have to go away from the abode of your relaxation and happiness and find a new home in the backwoods of your sixth sense.  You will realize something that will be astonishingly superb.  And that something will be none other than you.



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