Sunday 6 May 2012

Being professional

The major predicament of any employee, particularly new appointees at workplace is to comprehend his or her charter of responsibilities. Getting used to all-together new people and new office is indeed a monumental quandary. And greater is the problem in taking orders from people with whom one is not familiar with. Other tests are coping with time limits and completing allocated jobs in time.
Present day workplaces are high on demands and heavy on stress; everyone suffers from tremendous strain – they either deliver or depart. Adjusting to such a work environment is a task that is easier said than done, particularly for a new appointee.
The fact however, is that it is not difficult at all adjusting to a new workplace and everything that it comprises.  All that is required to cope with new complexities is by being dynamic in taking up good procedures. Some tips on what you should be doing when you take your initial steps in your new workplace are:
·   Watch the atmosphere:    No two workplaces are alike. Customs and traditions that make work culture vary from one place to the other; even ethics differ and show marked variations of standards. Therefore, it is both difficult and unnecessary to take a broad view of business cultures. You may have learnt several work philosophies and models, but being able to put them into operation is another matter. The best method is to watch your coworkers and settle down first rather than let go yourself with full steam from day one.
·   Never act in haste:  You should remember that you are a greenhorn and as a tenderfoot, you have to establish yourself and prove your worth before others start admiring you. Getting spotted and proving your true value is indeed very difficult; hence it is always desirable to take deliberate and calculated paces rather than big strides. Never ever attempt to hasten whatever you may be required to do. It is recommended that one should take his or her own time to be au fait with what you are required to do. It is only then that you should think of harnessing your ideas. The crux of the matter is that you should be meticulously thorough, thoroughly assiduous and assiduously attentive.
·   The person one up matters:  You should be well aware of the hierarchy of you new place of work. It is all the more important to know the likes and dislikes of the person above you. If you enjoy an affable equation with your boss, you will be able to give a free rein to your ingenuity and vision; the result will be that you will start getting pleasure in whatever you do. Your boss may suffer from some arrogance and condescension; hence it will take time for you to be able to establish such a relationship. The important point is not to forget the difference between professional and personal associations.
·   Know your charter:  You should make full efforts to get to know what you are required to do. This implies understanding your position, functions and duties; in short, your job conditions and obligations. As you gradually move ahead, you will realize that there are disparities between the role that you were initially explained and what you are actually required to perform. Under such circumstances, you should not get unnecessarily perturbed but resolve to work cheerfully. In case of any apprehensions, sitting and discussing across the table will help. The point that should never be lost sight of is that tasks that you may not be able to carry out should be graciously but forcefully declined.
·   Understand your assertion level:   You should routinely endeavour to come to terms with the degree of influence you can exercise and the amount of weight you can throw around. There is no harm in seeking a word of advice from your immediate superior and be aware of the level of faith bestowed upon you. Being dynamic and taking initiative is good for your career and will be appreciated, but the person one-up should be kept in your loop. If you do not do so or if you exceed the bounds of dominance, you could land in severe dilemma.
·   Withstand stress subtly:   You may adopt any method to do your work but whether or not it is correct will largely be contingent on if you are successful or not. Corporate canons recognize end results more than the endeavour that goes in attaining them. Bosses and supervisors have a tendency to press-gang subordinates to complete assigned jobs in time and meet stipulated deadlines. Should you land in such a situation, make it a point to express candidly any reservation that you may have with regard to the cut-off date or time being imposed. In addition, you should not shy away from asking for the necessary wherewithal, including finances that are inescapable for completing the assignment.        

·   Have an open mind:   Rigidity of mind will lead you nowhere.  You have to be willing to accept truth, you have to be willing to work hard. You have to be motivated to go to practice with an open mind. You have to be willing to be criticized. Having an open mind implies being open to debate and argument. Your objective should be not only to put across what you feel about things but also to comprehend what others think. The good point of having an open mind is that it will leave a chance for other people to drop a valuable idea in it. Remember that a wise person changes his mind and a person who is reckless or imprudent, never does so. The crux of the subject is to also be open to deliberations and negotiations. 

To conclude, it should be remembered that all jobs call for maximum exertion, delivering the best and meeting targets in the desired timeframe. Your professional disposition should be balanced and your attitude should not be governed by your emotions. After all, that is what life is all about!

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