Friday 11 July 2014

Why is a job eluding you?

The job market could be difficult or easy, but getting a new employment opportunity, like always is an unnerving test. And when the economy is slated downwards like what it happens to be today, finding a job has its own array of typical impediments and challenges. Most people out job hunting will find, much to their chagrin that an employment in keeping with their particular qualifications and experience will come only after they have been overlooked for several posts that they applied for. That is a hard fact of any job search effort today. 

Though it is fact that getting into a job can be an awe-inspiring experience, most job seekers are unable to take advantage of various stages of the recruiting procedure to boost their prospects of getting selected. They unremittingly undergo various phases perfunctorily. No serious contemplation is done on where they are faltering. On the contrary, people tend to suppose that the reason why a job eludes them is something beyond their direct direction; reasons commonly cited are far too many candidates for a single job, a lackadaisical stance by the recruiter or hiring manager and a pre-arrived decision to hire someone from within the organisation. Evidently, all these are alibis to liberate themselves of any shortcomings that may be there in them. 

The issue is one that calls for introspection to discern what a candidate would be doing to deter potential hirers from selecting anybody. If you too happen to be one amongst the many who are unable to get an employment, remember that there will undoubtedly be several influences over which you will not be exercising any direct sway. However, there are definitely some prime situations to visualise and plan for to make certain that you yourself are not the very hurdle in your own employment prospects.

What is it that you may be indulging in and which is discouraging potential hirers from selecting you? You need to reflect on the following four questions:

· Is your resume complete? Job aspirants do not appreciate that wool once dyed cannot be restored its original whiteness. A resume is one document that creates a first-sight impression. While drafting their resumes, people knowingly or inadvertently leave gaps pertaining to their otherwise important work experience; even the format of the resume leaves much to be desired with several grammatical and spelling mistakes. You should pay special attention to all these aspects and ensure that your resume is in top-notch form before you forward your application for an advertised or open post.

· Are you over or underqualified for the job being applied for? There is nothing wrong in applying for a job for which you may not possess all the desired qualitative requirements; after all, given your aptitude, you can always come up to the desired standards. Likewise, applying for a job when you possess more than the stipulated qualifications is also alright. However, if you are repeatedly applying for jobs when you are not meeting the set qualifications or are over-qualified for them, you may not get a response at all. You should restrain yourself from applying to such positions and concentrate your efforts on those that correspond to what you are best-suited for.

· Is your online image agreeable? Several job aspirants are taken by shock when they get to know that potential companies and businesses carry out extensive searches on the internet to discern their suitability before even an interview letter is sent. Scanning social media sites to find out additional details about you are part of background screening efforts resorted to by most organisations. How does your online image speak about you? If there is something that can be viewed as negative or blemishing, you must focus on affecting rectifications and improvements. Seeking assistance of professional in this context can be of great help too.        

· Are you rigid & excessively entreating during the interview? While again any attempt to emphatically discuss the terms of your engagement may not be out of order in the interview, but being overly rigid and entreating can prove to be ruinous for your application. In other words, if the company that you seek a job in at any time gets a feeler that there are other good aspirants, they will definitely go in for them. You will be left out of the race. 

Remember that one important key to success is self-confidence and an important key to self-confidence is preparation. And success will not come to you; you will have to go for it. You cannot cross the ocean by just standing on the shore and gawking at the blue expanse.

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