Saturday 26 September 2015

Attributes that define your performance at work

We harbour different inclinations, outlooks, standpoints and dispositions towards our lives, individual pursuits and capacity to influence matters. These views, principles and theories, as they may be called explain all our achievements in life and at work.  
Our dogmas comprise many concepts and values; and jointly, they impact our capacity to shape a successful career. All successful people generally harbour such convictions in varying forms, the major ones relate to your own capability vis-à-vis the following qualities:
· Nerve to be a genuine you: You simply cannot have a duplicate face to show if you have to be successful. You have to be true to yourself and all your networking and relationships should be based on this canon. Success will elude you if you tend to hide behind a smokescreen. There are many people who adopt double standards and act in a manner in which others expect or prompt them to do. Resultantly, such people lose their poise and are unable to conduct themselves within the secure parameters of established reasoning and anticipations. You should remember that you will never succeed in putting in your best if you remain apprehensive of putting forth the best in you. You have to be an outstanding account of yourself and not a mediocre form of somebody else.
· Generation of own actuality: The image of actuality that you eventually build about yourself is characterised by whatever you decide to reflect, undergo and indulge in. If you elect to consider that you have no jurisdiction over your life and that success is contingent on your luck, you will suffer immense powerlessness. In the process, your life will become such that it revolves around only possibilities and probabilities. You need to dream big because dreams ultimately get transformed into an actuality of feat and accomplishment. Whatever action you undertakes give birth to fresh dreams and the cycle carries on to generate the utmost configuration of living. The one thing that is central to success is dreaming about the times ahead and then making all-out efforts to ensure that the dreams fructify.
· Respect for own competencies: You will be able to make optimum use of your competencies if you know and respect them. This means that you should have no doubts about your capabilities because if you do, you will always be reluctant to act and opportunities will be missed. If you happen to be working under pressure, you would be required to try new methods of work; and if you then doubt your capability, how can success come to you? You must at all times feel self-assured and have full faith in your abilities.  
· Faith in your actions: If you select a career that has, in your perception no significance for you, there is no way that you can prosper in it. Your job and your career should be your passion because doing anything that you love invigorates you. Success thus automatically follows. You have to believe wholeheartedly each and everything you do. And most importantly, you must also have faith in yourself and your worth. If you restrict your faith in yourself, you will never enjoy contentment and fulfilment. It is essential that you realise that there are several aspects that you need to gain mastery of, yet you are the best and most suitable to attain success. 
· Readiness to learn: There is no person who is qualified at all times to take on all responsibilities at work. You will never possess the requisite skills to fit into the next higher slot at all times. There are people who resign and feel that they simply cannot step into a higher position. Such an outlook is prompted by a feeling of having reached the limit and an inability to learn any further. Such an outlook is neither desirable nor advisable. It is essential that you believe in your capability to learn new things and move ahead.
· Grit to persist through odds: Your career journey will never be a smooth ride. You will encounter obstacles and potholes; sometimes, the experience could be extremely depressing. Most people give up in the face of odds and then they simply stagnate. Impediments are meant to halt you; they are intended to be negotiated by you. You will have to go over them, bypass them or simply bump your way through them. The situations that you encounter will have to be altered to suit you; any inclination to be treated as a casualty should be avoided. Remember that if at all there is somebody who is the master of your destiny, it is you.
You could be still far away from the position that you have wished to be. But it is important to believe that very soon that would be accomplished. Your sanguinity[H1] , confidence and buoyancy should be of such magnitudes that the course on which you have embarked remains significant and that sooner or later, things will unfold in your favour. And ad interim, all that is expected of you is resolution, perseverance and a steadfast focus.


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