Friday 2 October 2015

Vital approaches for career success

It is no surprising fact that an average person works for his livelihood for anything between 80,000 to 85,000 hours during his or her lifetime. And as one gets to be at a recognisable level in the pecking order, around half of your day is spent at the workplace.
The above facts definitely warrant some introspection to discern if you are genuinely engaged at work and whether success is coming to you or not. Two things that you should have a fair amount of idea about is if you are deriving the desired contentment from your career and also if you are doing well or not.
There are certain approaches, adoption of which can facilitate your career success. Ten actions that you should invariably engage in are:
· Flourish in uncertainty: That the only thing that is constant in this world is change should be recognised by you. With change, there is always uncertainty and which should be tackled with boldness. When you anticipate change and are flexible enough to absorb it, it will be your resourcefulness and expediency that will be seen by others. And additionally, you will generate better prospects for yourself too – something that will make you better poised for success.
· Nurture & promote inquisitiveness: If you just look around you, you will find a minefield of data, facts and ideas. And with internet around, the sky is the limit for knowledge. If you foster and stimulate your desire for knowledge, you yourself will be a fountainhead of information. Your endeavour should be to remain concerned and mindful; and be smart enough to apply whatever knowledge you acquire to ground situations. This will make you a sought after individual too – somebody who would be in demand whenever and wherever intervention becomes necessary.
· Query yourself for tips & advices: Career success varies from person to person because of differing perceptions and significance of oneself. When these two aspects are in harmony with the course that you are moving on, career success is automatically achieved. You should have a clear image of what success means to you. Having done that, you should also build your distinctive individual marque and then proceed to accomplish various objectives that you may have set for yourself. If you are able to get to grips with this approach, you will find that you will work in the right direction to derive contentment on private and professional planes.
· Connect & cooperate with all: Good communications – verbal and non-verbal – promote career success. You should be adept at articulating yourself lucidly, unambiguously, unswervingly and tactfully. When you communicate effectively, there is no room for misrepresentation or misinterpretation. Even when you connect with anybody, your communications help in resolving difficult situations to the advantage of everybody. A cooperative approach helps you to attain your objectives because the goodwill and trust generated by you will serve as a massive support base for the development of your personal image projection. 
· Improve your mind-set: Impressions generally get to be formed based on your actions and words; and sometimes on your appearance and gait too. If you focus on your appearance and take care of yourself; and take all due precautions to not fall prey to various mental tensions that afflict people, you will be viewed as an amiable personality. People will like to talk to you and have regard for you only if positivity radiates from you. An ability to be a champion of this career pre-requisite will bring about more robustness and cheer to your personality. Remember that an upbeat personality is better poised to attain his or her objectives and is thus more prone to achieve career success.
· Draw inspiration to learn from everybody: Each and every individual has certain innate qualities and which serve to teach something to others. One major prerequisite of success is the inescapable need to be a patient listener. When you pay attention to others, shed light on your anticipations and proceed to act after considering what others have to say, you always stand in good stead. When you draw inspiration to learn something from everybody, you get to enjoy the advantage to view things from the perspectives of many. Resultantly, you receive feedback and are exposed to opportunities that facilitate networking and mutual understanding.
·  Be at the wheels: Pointing fingers at others when things do not unfold in your favour is indeed a alluring proposition. But when you are at the wheels of all your career activities, you realise that the onus is on you and that you are responsible for your achievements and gaffes alike. You are accountable to yourself for whatever takes place. By being so, you link all your endeavours to success and regard all blunders as learning experiences. This outlook also projects you as a resolute, dependable and devoted individual – the attributes listed being much sought after at any workplace.
· Unravel your feelings: At work, there are bound to be difficult and testing times. To be successful, you will need to resolve such situations diligently. You will have to adopt the most appropriate method and ensure that no problem gets out of hand. When you do this, others will regard you as a ingenious and hands-on individual.
· Surpass expectations at work: A successful individual far surpasses the expectations placed on him. That is how, people regard you as trustworthy. Towards that, you will have to be decide on the precedence to be accorded to your time and various activities; and be resolute enough to bash on regardless. It is essential that your output should always be of a high standard so that your colleagues view you as somebody who is tenacious, proficient and valuable. It is also necessary that you display adequate pride in your work and not regard work as a sore operation; such a disposition will earn you the reputation of a willing worker and important projects will thus automatically be assigned to you.
· Endorse headway made by you: If others do not get to know what your objectives and ambitions are, they will be reluctant to come forward and lend a helping hand to you. To be able to craft success, you need to make your aims and goals known to others, but without unnecessary bragging or blowing your own horn. Diligent self-promotion is what you should engage in; doing so will tell people about you and your capabilities.

The only thing that is deficient in a person who does not succeed is a relative lack of drive and determination. You must have faith in yourself and your capabilities. It is only then that success will be yours to kiss.

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