Saturday 25 August 2012

Your job – stay on or quit

"Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."
~ Albert Einstein
Jobs are akin to a hilly terrain; there are ascents and hill tops, descents and vales – implying ups and downs. To suppose that everything will be to your liking, amounts to being outlandish.
Are you on the lookout for a new job? Are you seeking a career change? It could be upsetting and hence calls for preparation and endeavour. But the fact is that you are not chained to your job and you are well within your rights to look for a new one. In case you decide to break yourself free, you need to indulge in some serious contemplations. Here are some questions that you need to answer as related to various aspects of your job before you take a decision:
Field of work
·  Do you find your present type of work exciting or do you feel jaded?
·  Do feel the urge to skip work?
·  Do you acknowledge that you are employed by a fine organization?
·  Are you at ease with your company’s working procedures and operational policies?
Work culture
·  Do you gel with the work culture of your company?
·  Do you enjoy amiable ties with your colleagues?
·  Are transportation facilities available for commuting?
·  Do you have problems traveling to and from your place of work?
Work Timings
·  Are you happy with the number of hours you are required to put in?
·  Can you alter your work schedule?
·  Are you happy in the section you have been placed?
·  Is there a possibility of your transfer within your company to another section?
·  Is your work appreciated by your seniors?
·  Do your bosses treat you justly?
·  Does your concept of a model workplace atmosphere go with your current one?
·  Are adequate facilities provided at your workplace for efficient functioning?
·  Does your current charter of responsibilities match your personality?
·  Does your employer offer you opportunities for training and acquisition of additional qualifications?
·  Does your compensation package match your contributions?
·  Are your remunerations at par with others of your type in the organization or elsewhere?
Individual Front
·  Are you able to strike a practicable work-life balance?
·  Is your work in line with the principles and standards that you stand for?
·  Are you able to optimally utilize your expertise in your job?
·  Do you derive job satisfaction from whatever you do?
·  Are your aims in life and your job in harmony with each other?
·  Does your job offer you adequate chances to attain what you have set out for?
·  What is the degree of protection that you enjoy at work?
·  Do you feel any threat to your job security?
As you move along in your career, job changes will help you attain your career objectives, become financially sound and derive contentment. But frequent job changes will brand you as a rolling stone.
It is your life and you are at the wheels; nobody will ever manoeuvre you to your eventual destination. Whether it is taking a take a left or right turn, or going back one step – the decision will have to be yours. You should remember that it is not the mountain ahead that will wear you out but the grain of sand in your shoe that will.
Do you think that it is the right time for a job or career change now?

A step back serves your career interest

“One step back does not mean defeated. It just means that you will take the same step forward again but wiser." -- Jossie Estrella
Are you moving in top gear in your career? Or are you in neutral gear? Are there occasions when you feel that your efforts are not paying? Do you see barricades in front of you and feel helpless in dislodging them?
You learn the best lessons in life from an ant. If it cannot cross a hurdle, it retraces its steps. Rather than trying in vain to thrust yourself frontward and in the process suffering disappointment, a step back will help – to perhaps a point where everything is understandable to you.
A step back will not imply in any way your collapse, but on the contrary signify a requirement to re-evaluate a condition.  So how do you do that?
The first step:  The maiden step in taking a step back is deciding to do so. Unless you make your mind up on what you seek in your career, you can never get close to it even. All judgments and resolutions have a prevailing effect and impel you to move in a specific course. Sans them, you would proceed in an aimless manner. You need to decide to take a step back because somewhere deep within yourself, you have a feeling that it is inescapable. Your efforts are perhaps not paying off and you feel that it is time for a breather. Taking a break will boost your ingenuity and place you in an advantageous position, better poised to attain your goals. 
Being versus doing:  Most of us believe in doing things as actions offer satisfaction.  However, sometimes, actions make you so engrossed that the very reason why you undertook them is forgotten. While actions may be good at first sight, but if they happen to relegate your very being, then they are not. If you can afford some time to yourself and your being, you will stay concentrated. Excessive exertion, if you indulge in it, will tend to get legalized over a period of time and you will go down with it. The objectives that you set for yourself will keep you highly preoccupied; regrettably, you will fail to remember why in the first place you set them. But if you choose being over doing, you will find answers to all your doubts.
Afford yourself time to ponder:   Everybody avoids contemplation as it is an exercise by itself. Moreover, if you think a bit more, there is great likelihood of negative thoughts crossing your mind. But yet, thinking is important because it affords your brain a vent to function. Since your thoughts are yours alone, any effort by you to pay heed to them leads you to your next step, your next action. Therefore, if you afford yourself time to reflect on, the actual you will come to the fore – a you that perhaps may not be fully known to you so far and somebody that you may desire to get familiar with.
Select your objectives all over again:   The process of attainment of objectives tends to become slow as the final hour comes closer. Enthusiasm in the initial stages leads to hard work; it is nothing but natural that if hard work does not pay dividends, disappointment follows. And disappointment means that it is high time you take stock of the situation to determine what is significant for you. You need to know why you selected your objectives at the outset. If it was because you felt enthused, then you must relive the same feelings again. You will emerge more energized to weigh up if the choice exercised by you was correct or not. If it becomes necessary to go through selecting objectives all over again, you should not hesitate to do so. 
Taking a step back will help you discern what is important to you – something that you can co-exist with and also what you cannot do without.

Friday 17 August 2012

Success at work

If you glance around yourself, you will see several people who are affluent but apparently discontented – they could well be your near and dear ones, close acquaintances and colleagues. Their unhappiness may perhaps be a cause of astonishment because of their seeming prosperity, which is obviously a result of some element of success attained by them.
So the pertinent question remains, “What is the characterization of success at work?” and related questions are, “Why is success in anybody’s career a tough thing to attain?” and “What are the problem areas in the process of achieving success?”
            If you reflect on the above with an open mind, you will become conscious that practically everybody exists and subsists based on the description of success enunciated by others. It is a known fact that success by itself is perceived and classified by the environment you live in and the people who encircle you; the societal conditions in which you live also have a great bearing on it.
            In our attempts to be successful, the singular point considered by us is what others look forward to from us. We generally ignore what our inner self otherwise prompts us to do, or for that matter, what we genuinely seek. Such contradictory actions lead to futile pursuits and resultantly, breed tensions and we get exhausted. An outcome is that our dedication and motivation levels diminish; and we cannot do justice to our job.
            If you want to taste success, you should understand fully its implication for you. It could well be something inconsequential, but yet worthy of struggle, provided you are able to discern your intention and life’s objectives; and draw out your main concerns.
There is no person who does not have a specific purpose – something that serves to impel all actions, hopes and desires. The world today is plagued with contests and it is expected of you to perform in a specific manner and deliver results. Therefore, you need to determine what is that impels you. Having done so, you are clear and unambiguous in your thoughts; and get set to pursue what you seek to attain.
An example, hypothetical though will put things in the correct perspective. You may have a passion for reading and writing, but your job affords you no opportunity to do so; your leisure also may be consumed for completing assignments that you carry home. Under such circumstances, you need to look for an opportunity or likelihood wherein you are able to work upon that impelling item. In all probabilities, working in a publishing house or as a journalist will be the best option to go with you.
The decision to work in a particular sphere of activity is yours and yours alone. It has to be based on your personality and inclinations. If you know what stimulates and inspires you, every morning will be the best moment of your life, because you will leave for work in high spirits. Over a period of time, you will derive personal satisfaction and which will pave the way for your success.
            Your schedule at your workplace may keep you preoccupied with various tasks at hand, leaving you with little or no time for other pursuits. But you can still find some time to begin on your life’s objectives.
            What you can do is map out your tactical plan, sketch your line of actions and accord precedence to them. These will help you advance towards your objectives. Visualizing, setting and attaining such subtle objectives will give rise to positive feelings in you. You will realize that you are not languishing or rusting, but marching forward in the correct direction. A sense of satisfaction will be felt and in due course, you will be able to attain your life’s objectives.
The important aspect that you should never ever lose sight of is that success is success only if you are able to live your life on your own terms and conditions.

Your maiden job & you

As you enter a new stage of your life, you are governed by a new set of rules. Now that you have sailed through questioning and discussion phases, your life is apparently on rails. Having been able to get a job that you always aspired for is simply inauguration of your professional life.

You have to gear up to meet head-on a new stage of your adulthood. Explained below are some tips on how to go about dealing with it and triggering positive opening thoughts in others:

·   Punctuality & regularity:    Ninety per cent of wisdom is in being wise in time. You should clutch, take pleasure in and benefit from every single second of your precious time. You cannot afford to be inactive and let delays overtake you. You should understand that punctuality is the soul of any work and that that a daily proclamation evocative of your professionalism will be expected. After all, promptitude is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners and usefulness.

·   Adherence & Conformity:    You have to function in a team, as part of a team and as a team; in doing so, all customs and traditions have to be honoured. You should watch the office ways, how people dress or how they talk. Never afford an opportunity to let anyone tick you off for slackness; on the contrary, you should find your feet in the establishment’s way of life. Your diligence will make your aspirations come true; and that implies sharpening your implements before you get down to work with them.   

·   Alertness & watchfulness:  You should never forget that there are others who have been there much before you; therefore, do not fire your suggestions at them. You need to watch them and put forward your ideas carefully. It will be expected of you to be a great beginner willing to display high flexibility. You should participate in all organizational activities as these will help you gain insight into organizational matters including company strategies and objectives.

·    Tittle-tattling & gossip:   You should not make behind-the back inquiries about others and remember that prudence is a good asset. Remember that gossip is nothing but the Devil’s radio. Excessive involvement in workplace affairs should be avoided because disgruntled elements may try to suck you in politics. You should endeavour to be open to hearing others but not get unduly influenced. Subscribing to what Socrates said will stand you in good stead: Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and weak minds discuss people.

·   Correct disposition:   There will be quite a few of old-timers who may not show the warmth that you may expect. Be courteous and respectful towards them. You should try to know the names and designations of all people as early as possible as your enterprise will facilitate congenial relationships. After your embedding period is over, you can walk up to your immediate superior to know how he feels about you and take his views with due regards.

At your maiden job, a mysterious panorama will unfold before you. Your work will be to discover yourself and subsequently succumb to it with all your heart. If you aim to have the best prospects and seek not to stagnate, you need to do well on it. And to do well, the only thing that you need to do is to fall in love with it. You will suffer from unanticipated hassles, but there is no career that does not have any.

You should understand that your professional life on which you have embarked upon makes it binding on you to be faultless in your initial days at work. You will be assessed on what you do, how you look, what you speak and how you speak. All these are contingent on your attitude, which, otherwise is a small thing but will make a big difference.

Friday 10 August 2012

Being Effective at Work

Most of us feel great to have a high opinion about ourselves. We think that we are totally dedicated and result-oriented; our effectiveness at work is perceived as supreme. Such a disposition amounts to blowing one’s own trumpet. While everybody has his strong-points, there are vulnerabilities too; both of them affect our values and efficacy. This aspect can be fine-tuned to be more effectual at work.
Efficacy at work can stand you in good stead today, tomorrow and always. Individuals who are effective and efficient are invariably assigned stimulating responsibilities because they always prevail over key customers. They are also held in high esteem by everybody at their workplace. So, how do you be effective at work?   
Have a positive outlook:  Effective workers usually have a positive approach to work. They are ever willing to help others, take on additional responsibilities and maintain high standards. Your effectiveness at work, coupled with professional honesty and honest decision-making will place you on a pedestal of honour. 
Set precedence:   You should know what your objectives at work are. If you do not know them, you cannot prioritize them. As a result, you will always be buried under work. To be able to do so, you must evaluate what your job is all about and what does it entail. Having done that, you will be able to distinguish the important from the not-so-important ones.
Acquire expertise: It is quite likely that you run against time; under such circumstances, you can increase your effectiveness by well-organized time management. Handling pressures and strain, improving writing and speaking abilities and focusing on career progress are other skills that have a positive effect: these skills are:
·      New knowledge:  Regular and continuous acquisition of additional qualifications boosts effectiveness at work. You need to be cognizant of spheres that you are weak in and make efforts to improve upon them. Skill upgrading is not acquiring formal academic qualifications alone, but it involves being well-informed about all aspects related to the industry and organization you are associated with.
·      Communication skills:  You need to have good communication skills to assert yourself during presentations, conferences and routine interactions; such skills also help you disseminate orders and instructions. Communication skills also call for good listening abilities because if you seek to understand first, you will be understood.   
·      Time management:  You should evaluate your daily routine to discern any matters consuming your valuable time unnecessarily. In this way you would be able to concentrate on important aspects and decide which amongst them is to be attended first and when. In addition, you will be able to take stock of your objectives and the progress achieved. The important point is not prioritizing your schedule, but scheduling your priorities also.
·      Stress management:  Everybody can cope with work pressures up to a certain limit; individual outputs decrease thereafter, besides having a telling effect on health and relationships. To be effective, you should be fit and robust; the foregoing calls for identification of stress-inducing factors and taking remedial measures to reduce, if not eliminate them.
Men and women who are effective at their work are admired and revered by all. And when it comes to filling a post with more responsibility, they are the ones who are selected; the same goes for promotions. You need to introspect and weigh up what you are to your job. Anyone can ask how and when, but if you can overlook them and ask what and why, your effectiveness will come to the fore.
Being effective means giving the best of you to ensure that the best of others is also brought to the fore. Being effective at work implies knowing the way, showing the way and going the way. Your effectiveness will stand out if you are able to inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and be more. 

Career objectives – a word of advice for collegians

“When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.”  - - - Paulo Coelho
          A few years spent at college are an experience of a lifetime. Besides academic attainments, you broaden your horizon and get set for your career. Though in no way can you claim to be a specialist, however, you acquire basic skills that facilitate a take-off. But the degree that you are armed with cannot be regarded as ticket to commence your career voyage.
            Today, highly qualified youth fail to get an appropriate job. While individual luck, links and flair do play a role, it is largely their determination that stands them in good stead. What you need to have is a plan, sans which, your future will hang between the devil and the deep sea. And before you make a plan, you need to take a decision. The college offers you a horde of opportunities to prepare yourself for your career.
As you walk your career path, the going gets tougher and the importance of your plan gets further accentuated. But most college students do not comprehend this fact. The bare truth is that your maiden job generally propels you on a path and direction that are difficult to alter subsequently, largely because of financial considerations and even at the cost of job dissatisfaction. And if you change your job or career, your difficulties increase manifold as suitable jobs will be hard to come by. Therefore, you need to discern what you are cut out for early in life. Following your passions; taking up a job that is in line with them is the only solution. 
You need to set objectives for yourself – something that you are determined to attain as per your timeframe. In case your objectives are not pragmatic or your grit not adequate or you do not have a time schedule, you would be basing your moves on thoughts rather than anything else. Therefore, you need to decide where you need to go; otherwise you would not go anywhere. .
Objectives also need to be prodded because they keep us heading in the right direction. They also influence our decisions. But objectives alone are not sufficient. What you need is a line of action to select the best option to attain them. In other words, your objectives signify what you want to do and the line of action how you should be going about attaining them.
The fundamental issue is to know what you want to do. After school, most students are vague about it. If you repeatedly reflect on what you regard as important in your life, perhaps you will be able to discern it. And the years you spend at college definitely help you to demystify any confusion that may be prevailing.
Having discerned what you want, you need now to prioritize. Most of your desires will be in line with your actual penchants; therefore, you should set yourself objectives relevant to them. Continuous evaluation will help you prune the list and eventually you will be left with few pragmatic options. Thereafter, you can research them in detail, including informational interviews to make your grounds strong.
All successful men and women opine that true education starts from college and that your maiden job will always be a monumental accomplishment. What you should never forget that it should be regarded as the start of a long voyage. Hence, after landing up in a job, your objective should be to excel in it.
The journey thus goes on with you setting newer objectives, acquiring newer qualifications and encountering newer job opportunities. It is imperative that as you move forward, you keep updating your aims and plans to attain them, because that is how things will happen. And most importantly, you should remember that wherever your heart is, you will find your treasure there.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Out of job - start anew

Getting out of job is nature’s way of telling you that you had the wrong job in the first place. It can indeed be depressing and while some people may have alternatives at hand and simply switch over, others suffer great mental agitation. But whatever are the disadvantages and inconvenience, since a job loss is not going to be a permanent feature of your life, the experience could be used to create whatever you longed for. It could be the beginning of a new effort to assess and price your life all over again.
How do you deal with the situation and build a future for yourself all over again? Here is what you should do:
·Realize that it is a piece of good fortune:   Your getting out of job was destined to happen, so why brood over it? Now is perhaps an opportune time to see if you can dovetail your past in your new life. You have to act judiciously and with due prudence because the current times may not be witnessed again.
·Understand that it was not because of you:   Once the unavoidable does take place, there is always some element of respite. But somewhere deep within you, there will always be some remorse as if it was all your doing. Unnecessarily pondering over it will exhaust you. Now that everything is over, you should forget the past and move on. 
·Fathom what is significant for you:   It is quite possible that you were desperately trying to cast yourself into something that you are not made out for. All those worries are now things of the past; you have to now discern what is central to you so that you can be in high spirits once again. You have all the time in the world to do so.   
·Muster support:   You will require some support; words of encouragement and advice from your relatives and friends. A search for a new job can be exasperating, given the time that will go into it. If you have someone standing by your side, things will turn out to be easy.
·Plan your next move:   Do you want to stick around in the same line or do you want to change your career? If you seek to do something different, a career change is warranted. You may need additional time to take a decision, which, in any case has to be in line with what appeals to you. Reliance has to be placed on your intuition and hence, you should spare some time to take note of the guiding voice inside you. 
·Get going with whatever you decide:   The time available with you has to be put to constructive use. You should decide on how much time you will devote to job hunt, including who all you will establish contact with and the numbers of applications you will send out, say on a weekly basis. Whatever be your capacity, you should make certain that you do not get exhausted and for this a daily plan of action will have to be formulated.   
·Recompense yourself:  You can claim to be successful only once you get a new job. But en route to it, there will be several stages that you can regard as attainments. The number of applications that you dispatch and calls for interviews that you get all call for a prize. Reflecting over such developments, you will realize that a change for the better awaits you.
The crux of the matter is not giving up. You should tell yourself that yesterday you dared to struggle and that today you dare to win. After all, you will never be a looser until you quit trying. Keep your face towards sunshine and you will not see the shadows of your past. You should endeavour to make your past better because somewhere an employer is waiting, looking exactly what you have to put forward.