Tuesday 30 December 2014

Coping with high-pressure jobs

“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.”
― Leonard Bernstein
A demanding job is like a pressure cooker. The pressure and steam can well tear you down. Yet others always tend to tell you that had they been in your place, they would have coped with it better. However, others cannot do much and that it is you who has to deal with it.
Coping with a high-pressure job is no trivial endeavour because it impacts your health, robustness and feelings. You get so involved in it in terms of both time and effort to the extent that your work-life balance gets disturbed. But if you know how to handle the pressures associated with it, you can live through it creditably.
There are several methods to tackle a high-pressure job. The crux of the matter is the degree of efficiency[H1]  and effectiveness with which you can enforce them to ascertain whether you are moving in the correct direction of incapacitating the hassles and tensions generated by such a job. The foregoing notwithstanding, three beneficial tips are:
· Discuss your torment with others: If you are overworked and feel the excessive strains, it will be apt if you do not let them locked inside you. The pressures could be anything – load of several concurrent projects, deadlines, peer pressures and management expectations – you simply allow them to slay you. Remember that excessive stress can be very harmful to your physical wellbeing and that in the process will greatly diminish your productivity. Under such circumstances, what should you do? You need to open up your heart to someone. A friend or a colleague could possibly give you a patient hearing. Speaking to even a member of your family can be done. Talking to others about your workplace stress is indeed a good method to reduce it. The biggest benefit of talking to others is that when you do so, people will offer recommendations to overcome your present predicaments – solutions that may have never dawned on you.
· Make a note of your contemplations and objectives: There are some jobs that call for intense investigative and diagnostic reflections. If you happen to be in any of them, this procedure can be of great use. You will be able mull over issues in advance and will be able to institute great ideas for the purpose of proceeding with high-pressure assignments, agreeing specific situations or agreeing to a particular deal. Reducing your objectives to writing is both essential and important. When you do so, they will be readily observable to you and thus serve to inspire you in each and every effort that you launch. Additionally, you will always be reminded of them whenever you embark on any task. Resultantly, you will automatically get to know if you are moving in the correct direction or not. Any deviation from a pre-set route will also come to your knowledge. When you encounter any job-related stress, the written objectives that you may encounter will be your fountainhead of inspiration to keep marching ahead.
· Systematise & accord precedence to tasks at hand:  When you reach your workplace in the morning, the first thing that you should do is to catalogue all assigned tasks that require completion by day end in the order of priority as discerned by you. The precedence could be based on factors like time available or required, availability of resources and relative importance. Accordingly, you have to get into motion to finish them as planned by you. During the course of the day, you could be assigned other tasks – some required to be completed on the same day and some for which a deadline could be specified. Depending upon the precedence that you accord, you must ensure that tasks having today as the deadline are completed without fail. It should be noted that it is not necessary that you cannot proceed with tasks that are not required to be completed on the same day. The systemisation and precedence allocation that you do may appear a simple effort, but in fact, they call for real expertise. You need to comprehend well what all tasks entail and how can they be executed in a correct manner.
A high-pressure job can occasionally stifle your prospects for advancement. This is because of the fact that given your involvement is a particular task, you are unable to take on another task that is more difficult, demanding and testing. Your work is your worship and hence should never be allowed to generate any stress for you. There will be pressures and you have to learn to address them appropriately.  
People generally become involved with their work-pressures more than the work-pressures are involved with them. The truth is that while actual pressures can be easily overcome, the ones that are imaginary ones invariably are unconquerable and generate more pressures. The only way to overcome such predicaments is by correct application of mind and prudence.


Working with subordinates elder to you

It is indeed a daunting task to maintain a steady career ascent, particularly for newly-appointed supervisors and team leaders. Their competency revolves around their capability to not only manage and superintend, but also steer their teams and others too to attain similar, shared premeditated objectives. Newly-appointed managers could well be younger to many subordinate to them. And hence, to exercise command and control over elderly subordinates can be a rather challenging task. But for such assignments to create any sort of worry or tension is definitely not desirable.
Handling subordinates who are elder to you is the most vexed management problem that organisations face. This is primarily because of two factors – value differentials and veneration deficiency. From the perspective of the elder lot, you are not deemed to be certified to superintend them. However, it has been found that people required to cope with aggressive seniors generally adopt flawed procedures to address issues. Therefore, situations tend to get intensified. Under such situations, it becomes necessary to have in place a long-term line of action. There is no place for an instinctive approach to things.
Issues that plague elderly subordinates cannot be said to be inexplicable and unsolvable. Such people can always be made useful team players. It is all a question of how you view them and if you do so with a positive outlook, you will always hold their experience in high regard and prefer them to work under you. To overcome any misgivings that you may have, the following guidelines can be of great help:
· Requirements & wishes need delving into: You cannot brand all elderly subordinates as a group of dissidents. Each one of them needs to be handled in a separate manner, depending upon the circumstances. People who are about to attain the age of superannuation are unlike to modify their stances because they understand that they cannot be dismissed and that they have no growth avenues left. Because of their age, they will understandably be handicapped in their physical capabilities as also urgencies. They will always be reluctant to stay back after office hours or undertake activities that could drain them out.
· Display deference & reverence: There is no place on this earth where the elderly are not required to be treated with respect. Norms of propriety demand that they never be shouted at, even if they have erred. Rather than configuring your directives as words of command, you need to make them into requests and solicitations. You will be able to elicit a more cooperative acquiescence. Though everybody expects to be treated likewise, the elderly invariably harbour a stronger desire in this context.
· During initial period acting with promptitude is essential: The initial two or three months are always going to be critical for you. You need to establish your authority and always conduct yourself assertively and determinedly. People will accept changes, modifications and alterations because they would be expecting them and get used to it. But if you try to maintain things as they stood, they will always be hostile to change.
· Regard their experience with admiration: Learning from experience, even if it is of others is the best learning experience. You should not regard elderly subordinates as people with outdated beliefs and not treat them with disdain. A flexible approach in their context will work wonders. An aura of concern and generosity generated around them will lead to greater cooperation by them. You must genuinely value their presence in your team; asking them for recommendations will not be out of place because the final decision about anything has to be yours. If required, they can be made to attend special training programmes. However, any form of uncooperative behaviour should not be condoned for evident reasons.
· Maintain your own poise & self-assuredness: Older employees are generally disbelieving in the ingenuity and initiatives of youngsters, particularly young bosses. In dealing with them, you will have to mind your language, including non-verbal communications. Remember that you have become a boss on your merit and hence should not feel apprehensive of being overshadowed by elderly subordinates because of the greater number of years of service they have. Every action by you should demonstrate your willingness to keep organisational interests above everything else.
· Originate mutual objectives: Age is of no consequence when it comes to objectives. You will have to create common objectives so that an environment of trust and openness is brought about. Remember that you are not the only creative thinker or futurist going around; your efforts should be directed to ensure that your visualisations and foresight are comprehended and shared by everybody. It is up to you to adopt strategies that make elderly subordinates willing workers towards accomplishment of the shared objectives.

Remember that people are people and will remain so. Simply if a person is elder to you but happens to be in a subordinate position, it does not mean he or she does not seek understanding, individual dignity, honour and recognition. As a senior, though you may be young, you need to deliver truthful leadership where you are the pillar of encouragement and they are the icons. And when you do so, their age automatically becomes a beside the point factor.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Let your job search be smooth sailing

You are all set to take off in life and have set for yourself well-defined career objectives. You are also clear in your mind about what your principles, convictions, standards and ideals are, particularly as pertinent to your goals and ambitions. Research undertaken by you vis-à-vis different career options available has also been conclusive. 
Now, if your self-evaluation tells you that it is time to go ahead with a job search, remember that the road ahead could be plagued with more contests, tests and trials. Aspects that warrant focussed attention and guarding against are avoiding mistakes generally committed while searching for jobs, drafting a resume and facing an interview. The same are discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.
When you set about with job hunting, you need to ensure that the following hitches commonly faced by people are averted:
· Ignorance with regard to what you seek to do: You should be explicit in your job hunting aims. No company will take you if you have a tendency to accept anything; on the contrary, it will hire an appropriately qualified person with a clear career objective. However, you cannot be rigid in your search efforts.
· Failure to be enterprising: You ought to take the lead in getting a job. It is necessary that you begin early and move ahead in small steps because job hunting can be a long drawn-out process.
· Inability to comprehend employers’ viewpoint: All employers look for facilitation of their work. Before you meet any, even for an interview, your study about them and their concerns has to be detailed.
· Rigidity towards locations of prospects: A realistic and flexible outlook is essential to discern the places where opportunities are positioned. You need to be willing to embark upon the correct path to attain your objectives.
Another important issue is that of your resume. What exactly is a resume? It is simply a scripted instrument that enables you to sell yourself to a prospective employer and happens to be the maiden information about you for him. Therefore, it ought to speak about you. There are different ways in which a resume can be drafted; more often than not, the formatting is contingent on whether you have to your credit any prior experience or not and what your career objectives are. Whatever be the manner in which you draft your resume, you cannot afford to err on accuracy, brevity and clarity. It should be free from spelling and grammatical errors. A review of the same prior to despatch is inescapable.
Getting a call for a job interview is a significant achievement by itself because had it not been for your suitability, you would not have received it. You need to thus prepare for it so that the experience proves to be delighting and successful. The first impression that you make in an impression will always matter. And the best way to do so is by being smartly turned out. The interview format per se will differ from company to company; and could well be determined by the number of vacancies and applicants. You simply cannot prognosticate every question that could be put up to you, however, if you prepare yourself to answer the more common ones without a glitch, you definitely stand a good chance to crack the interview.
A job interview is an occasion that decides if you get a job or not. While most candidates do make exhaustive preparations and are able to answer general questions generally well, it is the difficult ones that make a difference. You should be attentive and comprehend what is being put up to you for a response. The questions put could well be with the intention of gauging your qualifications, knowledge and makeup. Through your responses, it will be determined if you have the potential of a trustworthy and efficient employee; and whether your hiring will meet company interests or not. Your responses should be short and sweet and manifest your optimism. It is best to acknowledge facts but while presenting them, they should be characterised as benefits or shortcomings. You need to keep your wits about; and respond to the fundamental queries by casting your allied talents and abilities. Regrettably, most people blunder in this and get eliminated. 

An interview is a do or die event. You cannot afford to be content with stating whatever you are otherwise capable of. Your responses should manifest your knacks and capacities; this is best achieved if you give examples and supplement them with facts and figures. While you may feel that you possess the desired skills to acquit well in the job for which you are being interviewed, the employer may not feel likewise; and hence needs to be reassured. You need to emphasise the strengths you will bring to the position in question and the reasons why you will come up to organisational expectations. A well-planned and professional portfolio will thus serve to sell yourself better. 

Thwarting blunders in career decision-making

Most people are unaware of how a career decision-making process works or how to get going with it. They commit blunders and land up in careers that are contrary to their inclinations, dispositions, skills and values. The outcome is that their work turns out to be sans any purpose or challenge. They tend to get ensnared between their life and work values. On the other hand, people who are meticulous and thoughtful in their decision-making invariably exercise gratifying career options.
Any decision to select a career cannot be arrived at based on consideration of any factor or factors. A career decision is actually based on a string of judgments that are passed by you as you move along through different phases of your life and gain familiarity with various facets of your career and shoulder varying obligations. By having a dogged and focussed approach towards career decision-making makes its process simple and undemanding.
The transition through different stages of life prompts alterations, adjustments and acclimatisation; and we adjust our routines and domestic responsibilities to conform to our current job requirements. Whether or not such adjustments are suited to make sound career decisions, is a million dollar question. The reason is primarily because of the fact that quite a few amongst us are invariably not contented with our present work and the adjustments made by us to make our lifestyles suit our jobs are flawed. Therefore, there is an urgent need to unlearn the mistakes made and then learn the actual facts about career decisions. Common career-decision blunders are:
· Taking a job based on parental sway: Your parents and others may like you to pursue a specific line that may not actually be your conviction. You need to guard against such impositions, though making some allowances will not be out of place. As an individual, you are exclusive in many respects and it is essential to uncover that exclusivity to develop your career.
· Getting into the first possible job: You are not a good overseer of your endowments and capabilities if it is ease and easiness that prompts you to take up a particular job. Your objective should invariably be to get into fields where you can put to use at work your most positive attitudes, strongest skills and soundest capacities.
· Choosing a job that does not entail optimum utilisation of skills: You could acquit yourself well in several jobs, but they are not certainly and inevitably the best options. Your selection has to revolve around your most resilient capabilities, robust personality features and persuasive drives.
· Choosing a job based on salary offered: This blunder is so widespread in our scheme of things that it will take a strong commitment to trust in yourself to obviate it. Your career selection has to be based on your inclinations, skills and capabilities; remuneration should be the last consideration. 
· Moving away from your present role: You need to talk over with your employers your attributes as pertinent to your work and make known to them fields that are your cup of tea. Expanding your present scope of accountability in your current role is a better proposition vis-à-vis drifting away from your established skill-sets and proficiency.
· Falling prey to high-sounding designation: It is doing what you excel at and get pleasure from that is important instead of selecting a career based on high-sounding appointments. If you fall for the latter, you will be overburdened and stressed out; and job discontentment that will follow will make you a failure. 
So, the question is how do you actually make a sound career decision? If you take the following preparatory measures, you will do well in the career that you embark upon:
· Research on various professions: You must delve into professions that go well with your flairs and disposition. Reading more and more, surfing the internet and meeting people across wide spectrums will help you to identify jobs that are in consonance with your ability contours.
· Seek to shed light on your life’s purpose:  You need to discover how your skills and capabilities can be used positively. It is essential that you are aware of your inherent penchants and how they can be utilised optimally.
· Decide on your maiden target and formulate a line of action to achieve it: This will encompass attending training programmes and acquiring additional qualifications. Additionally, the curriculum vitae that you draft should also mirror your aspirations, skills and capabilities. 
· Endeavour to be at the wheels of your career: In all likelihood, you will have to subject yourself to alterations and modifications to retain efficiency, remain abreast with technological advancements or maintain the required competitive edge. You have to mould and refine your capacities to make certain a good match with emerging situations. Remember that learning is an unending process and for which, there is nothing wrong in taking help of a mentor or career coach.
Making career decisions is an all-time process. It is all about searching and living through the world of work. It is also about understanding capabilities, curiosities, concerns, skills and values; and combining them to build a significant support structure for life. You will encounter several opportunities to repeatedly discover careers that will be in harmony with your altering lifestyle.

It is important that you remain an active participant in this decision-making process. Any tendency to choose outcomes first and then frantically hope that they do take place should be resisted. In other words, you should desist from casting yourself frenziedly for the demands of work; in case you do not, you would be disallowing yourself a truly satisfying career. 

Monday 15 December 2014

Turning a temporary job to a permanent one

A temporary job is a good opportunity to prove yourself, particularly if the job market is not favourable. Though surveys conducted indicate that about one-fifth of temporary employees get absorbed in permanent appointments, but going by current, temporary jobs are expected to rise. For evident reasons, organisations invariably look up to their temporary employees whenever permanent openings come up. Therefore, a temporary job is a good strategy to lay hands on a permanent one.
Temporary jobs are available in practically all industries and for every profession. If that be so, getting a foothold in a company of your imaginings is indeed a fantastic achievement. But your company also stands to gain because they will have an acquainted and trustworthy person working for them. You should convey to your employer that you like the temporary role and will continue to do so. And once you have established yourself in the temporary job with your good performance, you may make a request for a permanent one. Some tips to make you more marketable for a permanent job are:
· Don’t undervalue yourself as a temporary employee: Being a temporary employee does not signify your role as an inferior one and in way justifies any laxity in work. It is an excellent opportunity to excel and demonstrate your capabilities and capacities. If you take your work seriously, your company will also do likewise for you.
· Realise that no work is beyond you: You should proceed with every assignment optimistically, be ever willing to take on any responsibility and demonstrate your true worth. If you have time up your sleeves, seek additional work and surpass what is expected of you. You should display your capacity to work and establish your trustworthiness. It is a common belief that work does not stop in the absence of anybody and hence, that should not preclude you from cooperating with others and making useful contributions.
· Regard your temporary job as a stepping stone: Your temporary job is a chance for your employer to try you out. And concurrently, for you to do the same for your company. Your endeavour should be to remain zealous and excel at work. If you harbour any feelings that you are simply a ‘visitor’, you may start shirking work and even collapse. You need to create an impact of being a professional. Therefore, you must pitch yourself at a higher plane while doing anything.   Should you find that the company is not what you envisioned, you will feel glad that you did not get stuck with it for good.
· Gel well with co-workers: Settling down in a job is all about establishing appropriate bonds and links with your colleagues. Any consideration to offer you a permanent job will be contingent on your interpersonal skills and capability to fit well in a team. Your actions should be positive and any tendency to criticise the company or employees, including previous ones should be avoided.
· Ensure that you demonstrate your skills & knowhow: In most organisations, temporary employees are generally allocated specific roles and hence get no opportunity to exhibit their other skills. You must display your full potential and this calls for helping others in their work in case you are adept at it. You will be appreciated for your initiatives to boost effectiveness, productivity and revenues. Therefore, showing that you can add value will stand you in good stead. However, you must make certain that you do not deviate from organisational norms.
· Widen your contact base: A temporary job is a superb chance to network because you will be working and surrounded with people who would be observing you for your true worth. You should not feel constrained to meet people across various spectrums and pecking orders.
· Be aware of what is happening around: You should be observant and try hard to know more about the company, its working methodology and future plans. By displaying eagerness to learn and acquire knowledge, you will be better poised to convert your temporary job into a permanent one.
· Avoid sticking around for good: People advise against sticking at a temporary job for long; anything up to a period of eighteen months is fine. And in case if your solicitations for a permanent job are not heeded, perhaps it warrants a change. But in any case, you should not lose hope because you will have other opportunities. If at all you say adios to your company, do so on cordial terms and maintain contact.

Your career is like a roller-coaster ride. There will be ups and downs; and you ought to be prepared for it. Eventually, it is not what you attain that matters; it is what you have overcome that will define your career. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Eyes on the future, take stock of your career

You must evaluate your current position to discern and decide where you want your career to lead you tomorrow. The earlier you take a decision, you will find your career fast-tracking in a different direction. And when that begins to happen, you must view your future confidently and optimistically because the decisions that you make today will impact your coming years.
Taking a career decision does not imply making a sprint for the next one. All the ramifications of your decision have to be seriously contemplated; aspects that warrant consideration are the type of job that you seek, the organisation in which you want to work, the emoluments that you expect to receive, the working atmosphere that you desire, how you and the job gel and most importantly, whether the job is in sync with your career objectives and aspirations. Important issues in this context are:
· Setting career objectives: Your primary aim right now could be to get hold of a new and gratifying job. However, it is not a bad idea to assess all your life objectives. To be able to attain few of them, you may have to split them into smaller ones extending into the middle-term. This will also call for their periodic assessments because as time passes, they could be subject to change or modification.
· Identify your career choices: What do you actually want to do? It is likely that you want to start your own venture or switch over to a field absolutely new. The career choices that you identify should be based on your personal preferences, your health condition and even your age. The place you want to settle down is another important factor that has to be considered while making a career choice.
· Path that you would like to follow: It is you and you alone who can take a call on this. Do you want to move up or laterally? If you are stagnating in your present position, do you think that it is the right time to look up? On the other hand, if you prefer an easy-going job, can you switch over today? Changing your job and getting into one that is akin to your present one is perhaps the easiest of choices that you can make.
· Type of organisation that you want to be associated with: You need to decide if you want to work for a small company or a multinational giant. There are pros and cons to both and which you should weigh.  It is also essential that you mull over aspects of your present or earlier jobs that you do not appreciate so that you arrive at a realistic decision.
· Desire to change over to a different line altogether: This warrants a very serious reflection. Changing over to a different industry or even a new branch of your current industry has to be done consider the pros and cons in detail, including prospects ahead of you. There could also be a total change of profession and direction; and this could be toughest issue to consider, particularly if you are not sure about your present or earlier choices. Discussing the issue with a mentor and members of your family will be warranted because of the implications the move will have on your life.
Having carried out a holistic consideration of various career choices, you should now decide on your next move. You need to cogitate over and evaluate all options available to you in a pragmatic manner. Remember that even a small slipup can turn out to be a dear proposition. And if you are unable to make a decision, it can be equally disastrous too because then you are foregoing on what you actually want to seek and do.
After you make a decision, you will need to draft or re-draft your resume. The resume that you draft should reflect what you seek to do now as distinct from what you have already done. A point to note is that your past should speak about you supportively and constructively. In case you are unable to churn out a good resume yourself, you can always take assistance of professional CV writers. The bottom line is that your resume should align your earlier career choices with where you seek to be next. This will boost the chances of your application being favourably considered and prompt an interview. 

Knowing the place towards and the direction in which you want your career to take you is indeed a difficult prognostication. And so is getting to know what career choices are readily available to you. The responsibility to do so rests on your shoulders alone. You never know when an opportunity will knock at your door or an option will appear before you out of the blue. 

Saturday 6 December 2014

Assertiveness at workplace enhances your image

“Never feel bad for being assertive, speaking your mind, and putting your foot down. What you think is anger, others see as a good solid display of self-esteem.”
 - Alison James
A quality that can see you through difficult people and situations at work – be they a domineering colleague, an imperious superior or a problematic group – is assertiveness. It is pertinent to note that being assertive is not at all about being hostile and belligerent. Assertiveness is actually a type of positive communication that can be learnt and applied to all areas of your life. It is the skill of knowing and defending your rights but at the same time understanding that others have rights too. If you happen to be confronted with a difficult person or a demanding condition, you could possibly respond with the following approaches:
· Bare timidity: This implies avoiding any form of disagreement and clash. Pending issues continue to rankle as monumental problems and remain unaddressed.   
· Tame bellicosity: You do not speak but opt to demonstrate your disagreements them through some actions. Violation of punctuality norms or working half-heartedly are some reactions that tame bellicosity promotes.
· Evident antagonism: You tend to react to situations by indulging in discourteous, intimidating and even abhorrent conduct. People get estranged and though may listen to you, bad feelings generated result in incomplete tasks. 
· Great assertiveness: If you go about with assertiveness, you will be able to see yourself through in all situations, including tough and confusing ones. You will succeed in acquitting yourself well and earn respect for not letting things get out of control.
Assertive people invariably promote sincere communications and cause things to happen by exercising good control over everything. As an attribute, it signifies self-assurance and superiority. It facilitates in deriving greater feelings of achievement and self-confidence. While at a workplace, assertiveness is essential for handling relationships, projects and concepts alike. Display of assertiveness is not a cakewalk by any chance and calls for intense preparation to deal with any situation.
When you assert yourself, your primary focus should be on arriving at a decision or solution by consensus. It is not about getting livid or making someone genuflect to your claims needs.  How can you be assertive at workplace? Some tips for apt demonstration of assertiveness are:
· Trust in your self-confidence: You can assert yourself with ease when you are convinced that your contributions are making a difference to your company. You need to harbour a conviction that you are as significant and vital as anybody else; and that nobody can have the better of you. The confidence that you display and the way you articulate your views should be professional.
· Have power over your feelings: Disenchantment, wrath and exasperation always result in passionate responses and retorts. These can serve to restrict your efficiency. If you do not have power over your feelings, you will be viewed as a weak personality. If you find that your emotions may take the better of you, a change of scene is recommended, in that you can take a walk in the corridor or simply gaze out of the window. But any tendency to communicate or respond expressively should be curbed.
· Have well-defined working parameters: It is up to you to let others recognise what your anticipations from them are all about; and what you are keen on and what you disapprove. Having well-defined parameters at work remove ambiguity from relationships and serves to reduce undesirable demeanour and conversations. But being forceful at all times is neither essential nor desirable because there are some situations that do not warrant interference and are automatically taken care of.
· Train & practise: Prior to any event like a seminar, discussion or meeting, you need to make preparations so that you can assertively make your point. You will need to deliberate over how you will introduce a subject, move on to crucial issues and take on questions by others. The more preparation you make, the more confidently you will acquit yourself.
· Use positive verbal & non-verbal communications: The manner in which you put across things is as vital as what you put across. Your non-verbal language should be guileless and others should understand that you are putting across valid points. You should be emphatic and speak in the first person to accentuate your standpoint. If you do not agree with a proposition, saying categorically so is the best option. Remember that having the power to decline or say “No” is a big asset.
·  Use discretion to handle matters: If you have an issue with any person, you must know how to tackle it straightforwardly. Rather than indulge in any form of tattletale and gossip-mongering, you should talk to concerned persons directly. If you go about sans intelligibility and lucidity, you could be perceived as belligerent, disorganised or off-course. Mounting your position with exactitude and blatancy is recommended.  

Your assertiveness is a sum total of your confidence, decisiveness, boldness and firmness. It facilitates your self-worth and self-regard in combination with your optimistic attitude in impacting your accomplishments and job contentment.

Scheme your career plan correctly

Success is always the result of resolution and foresight. While resolution implies swimming for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning. This is applicable to your career as well.
Selecting a career can be tough decision of your life. It is not only about what and how you would be doing to survive. While a career entails only hard work with practically no place for luck, there are some people who are fortunate to enjoy satisfying careers without much effort. But they are exceptions to the rule. Quite a few people do not deliberate properly when choosing their careers and do so prompted by incorrect judgements and logics. Some see security in careers because of high remunerations offered however, sooner or later, they invariably repent their decisions. If you do not wish to be a victim of similar circumstances, you need to arrive at a viable decision after considering all the pros and cons of it.
You need to understand that the very process of career planning comprises four distinct actions; they are self-estimation, career search, exercising options and formulating a line of action (in the same sequential manner). It is entirely your discretion to go through them on your own steam or take assistance of a career coach. The point to note is that irrespective of whichever method you adopt, the important issues are the quantum of contemplation that you do and the magnitude of effort that you exert on it. The four actions required to be undertaken by you are discussed as under:     
· Self- estimation: Being the maiden step, you will be required to gather a plethora of information about yourself. During the course of this step, you will get to know yourself in detail, particularly about your concerns and appeals. Unless you are clear about your inclinations and proclivities, you can never visualise which career you are suited for. It is also essential to be aware about your various principles and standards as pertinent to your work; this is inescapable to adjust to your work environment, including people management. Since no two persons are alike, you will have leanings, preferences, viewpoints and mind-set that are unique and inimitable. Your career has to be in harmony with them. When you reflect over various aspects, perhaps you will be able discern professions that are indeed your cup of tea.
· Career search: Having assessed yourself, you should now set out to explore different professions that gel with you and your personality as also those that fascinate you. You may also like to research various industries that you consider appropriate to be employed in. All these should be reduced to writing. Thereafter, you can begin scoring out those that do not hold any pull. The ones that do should be researched a little more so that you gather adequate data about them. To do that, you could take up apprenticeships and honorary jobs or get in contact with people who are already in a similar line. 
· Exercising options: This step entails a decision on the best career option for you; evidently it has to be based on whatever you have assessed yourself to be and various professions explored by you. It is necessary that you identify the option that you are drawn to the maximum; you should also identify at least two others to cater to any contingency. You need to seriously reflect on how you are going to embark on your selected career, the financial issues involved and how you intend to overcome any impediments that could crop up impromptu. The impediments could be in the form of finances and domestic obligations, etc. In case you find that you are unable to enter your desired career, then you should start with the career search phase all over again.
·  Formulating a line of action: Having decided on the best career option, you need to formulate an action plan to attain your objectives. The action plan should be a written document that will steer you in your forward move. You should set for yourself objectives extending into the immediate and distant future. If required, you can undergo an odd course as part of your basic preparations. It is also necessary to draft your resume and formulate a job hunting scheme. The latter would be incomplete if you do not try to know more and more about various companies that you are keen to join. Your line of action will be incomplete if you do not prepare for your interviews.

 A career planning process is invariably cyclic. Circumstances may change and you may characterise yourself or your objectives again. This will necessitate going back to the previous stage or even starting all over again. It is possible that you may not be able to decide on your career option even after going through the process all over again. The only solution for this to keep repeating the planning process so that you can bring your future into the present and do something about it straight away.