Tuesday 29 November 2016

Obtain maximum contentment from your work

Job-contentment is a relative term and hence different people describe it differently. However, the most widespread meaning of it is the degree of satisfaction that one derives from his or her work as also everything that is associated with it. There are many different facets related the responses - on the emotional and mental planes - that you may have towards your job; and they are significant contributory factors for deriving job satisfaction. 
Job dissatisfaction is something that impacts every working individual, irrespective of his or her age, status and gender. That some people may derive greater dissatisfaction notwithstanding, the strength of discontented lot in the world has been registering an increase in recent years. Evidently, this ought to be a point of worry and hence, we need to identify ways and means to prevent job dissatisfaction from setting in. 
First and foremost, you need to understand that job satisfaction is of different categories – innate, acquired and comprehensive. Innate job satisfaction is of intrinsic nature and sets in when employees think through only the kind of work they perform and different tasks that collectively constitute their work. Acquired job satisfaction is of extrinsic nature and is visible when employees cogitate over their various working conditions like workplace environment, pay and allowances, colleagues and even bosses. A mishmash of innate and acquired job satisfaction is what is known as comprehensive job dissatisfaction and since it has several contributory factions, its very intensity can be rather strong. The dissimilarity between innate and acquired job satisfaction leads to viewing jobs from different perspectives. If the dissatisfaction is stems from the kind of work being done, the solution per se will have to different vis-à-vis one generated by the conditions of work. 
You need to understand that the degree of your satisfaction is just a state of your mind and which is impacted by the level at which your aspirations are pitched. In the light of the foregoing, your job contentment will invariably be dependent on what and how you you view in your job. But the primary sure will always be devising ways and means to increase it. Some time-tested means to do that are:
  • Harbour practical work aspirations:  Comprehensive job satisfaction is actually a compromise or a type of adjustment. There is no job that can offer you full satisfaction or nil dissatisfaction. Even the best of jobs will have some element of dissatisfaction. And given the intense competition that exists today and the fact that the number of people out to get jobs far exceeding the openings available, no management can be expected to administer your dissatisfaction. It is you and you alone who has to take necessary steps in this regard.
  • Identify jobs that match your expectations: Get to know about jobs that converge with your aspirations: You need to know details about different careers and professions so that you can identify which gels with your outlook and personality. Today, there are several tools and tests available to do that.
  • Work hard towards self-discovery: You should know what matters to you and what is not of much significance. It is necessary that you identify assignments that appeal to you; and be absolutely unambiguous about your expectations from your work. It is always better to jot them down in a diary so that you are able to discern precisely your requirements while selecting a job or career.
  • Have a different outlook towards your work: You should have a positiver outlook towards the nature of your work and what it offers you, to include salary, working environment, colleagues, seniors and other allied factors. If it is the type of work that is prompting dissatisfaction, perhaps going in for a career change will not be out of order. But if the working conditions are making you feel disheartened, discussing them with your boss could be of great help. If things still do not get resolved, may be a job change will help. 
  • Never allow dissatisfaction to persist for long: Dissatisfaction of any type should be allowed to persist. Your very outlook and interest towards your work is gauged by the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction that you possess. If job dissatisfaction persists for long, the result could be disastrous; you could be taken ill and even lose your job. Workplace issues invariably arise because of discontent since mental states of people prompt unusual behaviour. Therefore, it is inescapable to find an answer to the vexed problem of job dissatisfaction at the earliest.
  • Introspect to gauge headway made by you: When you view all your advancements, a sense of accomplishment will be there. Such a feeling will motivate you to take dissatisfactions in the correct spirit because of brighter days that lie ahead.
  • Have a re-look at the values you stand for: Your principles and standards constitute your values and it is you who can determine what matter most to you. An honest response to the subject needs to be found by introspection; the question that you need to put to yourself is, “How important is my job and career to me?” Once you can come out with a candid answer, you can then have an appropriate outlook of your job contentment or discontentment. 
  • Seek assistance from a guru: A professional help will give you an unbiased and unprejudiced opinion. You will thus receive independent recommendations and suggestions that will help you in overcoming any dissatisfaction that you may be having or likely to have.

It is inescapable for you to learn at being contented with whatever you have achieved as you move along in your career journey, chasing your dreams. Remember that the secret of success lies in enjoying your work. All pleasures are pleasurable and therefore, you must strive to make your work a pleasure too.

Glitches in career planning

Exercising a career choice is similar to undertaking a journey to a place that you have no idea about and without having any advance notice. You will surely spend time trying to find out about the new place and what you need to carry. In other words, you plan for your journey and then get coordinate your journey and other arrangements so that you are not inconvenienced. In a similar way, when you do career planning, you visualize glitches and prepare yourself to preclude them. When you set out searching for a job, there will be many hurdles and challenges; and you will have to be skillful enough to handle them. Your job search will have to be well-organized and for which, some astuteness will be necessitated on your part so that you emerge successful.
Career planning is like making a detailed portrait of your future. The process per se will be extremely grueling and demanding. You will encounter challenges related to remaining:
  • Resolute in your plan: To have a line of action and adhere to it implies planning for the future in a proactive manner. This is the most rudimentary strategy of any job search and calls for a proactive approach. As is well-known, most good openings are hidden jobs and are obtained through your network. Your line of action should be to obtain leads from others, meet people and take your leads to a logical conclusion. To make your line of action work, you will have to systematize your time well, sift through information from various sources, find out details of different openings and widen your contact base.
  • Motivated & determined: This challenge pertains to acquiring information about your own self; it is nothing but a self-evaluation. Your career search is all about getting into a pursuit that will provide you delight and contentment. You can be contented if you put to use your skills and knowhow with pleasure. Contentment is invariably an outcome of success; this proves the point that if you indulge in a work that is pleasurable, you are more likely to be successful. And remaining sharply focussed all along is what will pay you rich dividends. Given the numerous distractions that exist, to remain single-minded and motivated is a challenge by itself. 
  • Watchful & following things: You will have to display a high degree of comprehension with regard to things happening around you, particularly those that have the potential of influencing your career choices. If you remain cognizant and responsive to various developments, you will be able to evaluate them for the impact they can have on your career. You will be able to infer upon opportunities that can be thrown open for you and organizational growth prospects. Remember that even a trivial happening can trigger a major activity in your career and hence the need to remain aware needs no emphasis. 
  • Methodical & well-organized: During the course of your job search, you will have several documents and papers for use. They could be copies of your resume; contact details of people; printouts of company profiles and emails; and applications sent by you. In addition, you will have to maintain a ‘things-to-do’ list that will include details of liaison visits to be undertaken and appointments to be kept. You will have to keep all such information safe and readily available; and which is the essence of remaining well-organized and systematic.
  • In good books of others: You should be able to portray an excellent picture about yourself – when you present yourself in person, when you submit a document in paper and email forms or when you talk over the telephone. The basics pertain to your CV – how dexterously you draft it. You also need to create an impact during an interview and is something that is a monumental challenge by itself. Your routine conduct also matters in creating a favourable impression. Self-assessment thus is very important in being able to create the desired impact because based on your findings about yourself, you plan to conduct yourself appropriately.        
The above challenges necessitate being well-aware of different factors that affect your career. In the light of the foregoing, you need to focus your attention on the prevailing job market so that you are cognizant of all allied issues. You efforts should be directed to discovering the real you, identifying what you are cut out for and be aware of your inherent talents. It is essential that each and every bit of information that you collect is recorded in a methodical way in order to formulate a correct strategy to get into a job in harmony with whatever you researched.

If you think that your career journey will be bump-free, you are sadly mistaken. You will have to be continuously adept at enlarging your self-consciousness, self-realization and self-knowledge. In addition, you will be required to absorb change in your lifestyle and disposition, rather than displaying hostility towards them; and at the same time boost your contact base. The foregoing will necessitate at being able to comprehend what your reactions to difficult situations will be like. You will have to learn and re-learn newer methodologies and discarding obsolete ones. And most importantly, you should never ever think of going all by yourself; taking help from others is always recommended. 

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Essence of career management

Career management is a process that is required to be undertaken throughout your career journey and calls for utmost devotion to realize your career objectives. It is a persistent and ongoing process wherein you monitor yourself and demands setting appropriate goals; and thereafter working out ways and means to attain them. In the present day where there is intense competition, career management is important than ever before and cannot be dispensed with.  
While we have some knowledge about career management and its significance, the implications it holds out on our career is surely not known to us. Similar to financial management, any systematic investment in one’s career results in reaping good benefits. The way we handle career management is always subject to change under different conditions and phases, it invariably focusses on two major issues that are utilized to facilitate your career advancement; these are:
  • Incessant learning: Today, technology is the backbone of all work and workplaces, including what you engage in outside work. With automation and computerization at all workplaces, the working procedures being adopted stand drastically changed. And this process of alteration is going to continue at a very fast speed and the likelihood of the pace going up by two or three times in the next ten years or so cannot be discounted. Can you visualize the outcome and ramifications of such changes? Technological inventions and developments will for certain create ripples in the economy and that too at a very fast pace. Some organizations will go up in their reputation and some will experience a dwindling reputation. The way in which such changes will be acceptable to us will depend upon the manner in which we improve upon our knowledge and skills. Hence it is essential that everybody remains enthusiastic to learn as also equally flexible to unlearn. Its should be remembered that the purpose of all learning is to advance ahead in your career and therefore, it is essential that all investments with regard to resources, endeavours and time are judiciously subjected to alterations and modifications to preclude any surprise development. The crus of the matter is thus the need for a continual learning outlook in order to facilitate their useful application at work.
  • Influences and contacts: The current economy is one of brainpower and flexibility. You may not realize it, but the most important asset that you ought to possess is your network and associations. The relationship that you enjoy with your colleagues and other stakeholders in your company will facilitate the discharge of your routine duties. In the future, your networking will be the very source of acquisition of information related to the progression of businesses and will include people outside the sphere of activity of your work as also those related to your hobbies and family. Your relationships on your professional and individual planes are bound to outrun particular organizations, arenas, industries and people. If that be so, the manner in which you interrelate, react and bond in all our relationships will have a tremendous effect on our present functioning and future prospects. You will not achieve anything worthwhile if you keep yourself in isolation. In the light of the foregoing, the importance of networking should not be underestimated; and the encouraging part is that the skills that go in to forge good networks can be acquired.
Continuous learning and networking are instruments of career advancement and hence should necessarily form part of all career management efforts. Additionally, a sound career vision and a strong initiative are inescapable to make judicious career decisions, particularly to formulate achievable career goals. The career vision should be all-inclusive and incorporate issues that are modifiable. It should be in consonance with your overall personality and inclinations so that you can act and work with ease, keeping organizational interests above everything else. It is only then that you will derive satisfaction from your work and enable maintenance of a competitive edge over others.

In order to be always in the lead, you cannot put your entire life in a single desire or wish. hope. You have to plan to maintain a leading position and then make certain that you supervise it. You should not unnecessarily worry because if you do so, you are likely to use your focus at work and in the process, suffer career failure. Any worrying that should be done ought to be done in advance in the form of premeditated contemplations and well-thought off considerations. And such worrying will stand you in good stead.

Step up the ladder

A promotion is something that implies career progression and more money in your hand; it also adds on to your resume by way of additional experience to your credit. With sky-high expenditures and rising costs of living, a promotion thus is always welcome. However, no promotion comes with ease. You need to be highly motivated and have a resolute disposition to earn one.
There is nobody who does not harbour an aspiration for a promotion. But not everybody gets it. So, how do you go about in achieving that much-desired advancement in your organization? Some time-tested tips that will stand you in good stead are:
  • Up our believability:  You will never get a promotion if your boss does not recommend you for it; he has to approve you and your work. And for that, it is essential that you create the right impact on him and satisfy him with regard to your proficiency and integrity. This is possible only if you work hard, meet deadlines and keep organizational interests above everything else. It is possible to achieve all this by not being unnecessarily over in your activities. However, you will have to engage yourself in some self-promotion too so that you do not go unnoticed. If your seniors see you working hard, they will appreciate you. Working hard entails  going about your work in a methodical, delegating work to your subordinates where required and seeking advice and assistance from others. These actions may prove to be quite difficult and cause you immense pressures and strains. But you should maintain your poise so that your value is recognized and credibility established. 
  • Don't talk ill of your boss: Your efforts should not be limited to boost your image alone. they should also make certain that the reputation of your boss also registers a boost. This can be done only by having an upbeat outlook towards your work and applying yourself at it with due care and conscientiousness. During your daily interactions with colleagues and juniors, you must speak of his capabilities and that how working with him is a learning experience. You should be on the lookout for a chance to be part of any special assignment that he may be working on. The crux of the matter is to direct your efforts to provide your best output; if you are noticed, your boss will feel good and will be more than willing to recommend a rise for you.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for a promotion when due:  There is no harm in making your demand for a promotion known. You can seek an appointment with your boss and convince him that you have been working hard and to the satisfaction of all; and hence deserve a promotion. However, it is necessary that the reasons that you cite for a promotion should be fact-based, genuine and in harmony with your performance. You have to be clear-headed, cogent, and convincing so that the person sitting across the table sees your enthusiasm and willingness to learn or improve. Under normal circumstances, promotions are announced at fixed times of the year, but if your bosses are is pleased with your work, they will not hesitate to give you one when you put up your case.
  • Indulge in self-promotion to get a promotion:  The best method to ensure that your name figures in the promotion list is by doing your best, working hard and making useful contributions to your company’s growth. It is essential that you do not confine you're work to your laid-down charter of duties; you will have to go much beyond them for gaining recognition for your proficiency. You working style has to indicate your genuine disposition towards hard work and also substantiate your case for a promotion. You could make yourself available for extra tasks and volunteer to help your boss too in the discharge of his duties. And it is of paramount importance that you help your colleagues also because such efforts come to the notice of your seniors. In addition, it is absolutely right to put in additional working hours occasionally to help others. And most importantly, you should never violate laid-down rules and regulations related to dress-codes, punctuality norms and all working parameters to be recognized as a good employee..

A promotion is given to individuals who work hard and contribute to the growth of their organization. When your hard work is acknowledged, you stand a better chance to be promoted. You should not forget that it will be your zeal and wholeheartedness towards your work that will always stand you in good stead. After all, you were hired because you were considered fit to meet your company’s hopes and calculations; and for a promotion, you need to far exceed them.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Avoid wrecking your career

There is no dearth of people who always thought of reaching for the sky. They always dreamt big and yearned for more; and succeeded in attaining whatever they set out on. This lot of people possesses certain extraordinary qualities and engage themselves in activities that surely brings opportunities to their hands to clutch. And they invariably succeed in all their endeavours. But you also have many people who indulge in self-damaging activities and in the bargain, wreck their career.  
You may harbour tall and towering professional goals, but unless you set your foot in the right direction, achieving any of them will be difficult. Wherever you may be working and any appointment that you may be holding, you can always give a boost to your professional reputation. And when things become difficult, it at all they do so, people will come forward to help you. There are certain initiatives that help you in this context:
  • Be confident about your objectives:  This is an inescapable requirement to do well in life. You should be cloudless about what precisely you seek and what is relevant to you; and be willing to sacrifice everything for them. People fail in their careers because they are unable to fill in the blanks as related to their flair and urges in their efforts to find a correct career. They are unable to work hard to discern the contributory factors of their botches. Remember that if you are cognizant, you have more options at your disposal. All successful people remain unswerving in all their actions, including emulative ones. If you dispel all doubts and feel self-assured, countless windows of opportunities will open up for you and you will be able to clutch those that guarantee progress. 
  • Transform your trepidation to inspiration:  You should learn to do so as feelings of fear, persecution and helplessness are detrimental to your career interests. It is essential that you learn to display your capabilities and shoulder responsibilities; and take every development, good or bad in the correct stride. In fact, that is how you learn to move ahead. At your workplace, there will be a horde of influences on you and your performance and you should take them as learning experiences. In case you fail to do so and instead give up or take the path of confrontation, you will in no way benefit and success will always elude you. You have to discover ways and means to convert your desperation into an impelling force for change and progress. 
  • Don't lose out on your tenacity:  You should be like a tree that faces the storm but does not shake with it. You can always create positive circumstances for yourself even when everybody around you doubt you. Well, that calls for being venturesome but does not imply not making an allowance for such misgivings. You should view things in the correct perspective and apply mid-term corrections where necessary, soliciting assistance when indispensable. In other words, you pledge yourself to your objectives with no strings attached but concurrently displaying flexibility of approach. It is a well-known fact that people who are aware of their weaknesses and strive to overcome them invariably thrive in their careers and life alike. 
  • Train yourself to be eloquent: Your written and spoken abilities have to be charismatic. You should know how to talk about your ventures and their outcomes so that others can take it as an example. You should know the reasons behind your actions and this will help you in drawing people close to you. In addition, you also need to support and encourage others; your supportive actions will project you in the correct light and boost your image.  
  • Understand the social fibre of your workplace: You simply cannot exist or work in a void. You have to make efforts to build good associations that are long-lasting. Man is a gregarious animal and hence you need to understand the need to help and engage others to be successful. And you can do so if you share common principles and enjoy the confidence of others. It is important that you do not move around with airs about yourself or encourage sycophancy in any form. Any attempt to exert your authority in a negative manner will never pay you dividends.
  • Secure your boundaries:  When you are clear about what you seek, you have to be robust and sturdy to safeguard your limits, respect your precedence and make the essentials of progress known. There are many people who know what they stand for and seek in life, but when it comes to taking initiative or a step forward, they buckle. The reasons for buckling could be diverse, but the fact is that you need to subdue your anxiety and self-doubt so that you are able to emerge solid and resilient enough to uphold your requirements and if necessary, demand them. 

You may succeed in your career by indulging in various pursuits. If you follow unacceptable methods or paths that defy integrity, you will encounter immense hardships and colossal problems. And when you finally arrive at the endpoint, you will still be discontented and disoriented. Your career would have been wrecked. So why not avoid such a situation from occurring?

Going about a career change

There is nobody who is absolutely satisfied with his or her career and many such people would not mind going in for a career change. If they are unable to do so, it is largely because of a lack of knowledge about to go about it. There are many people who want to do something different for various reasons, but again, they are not aware of what activity they should take up. 
The difficult situation that prevails as related to not knowing what to do and also how to do is not uncommon; on the contrary, it is rather widespread. It is an outcome of a flexible outlook and attitude; and also because of an incapability to think out-of-the-box. The result is that one is unable to explore several avenues and grab opportunities coming their way. You need to create and generate a variety of ingenuous career initiatives so that you shed all inhibitions that you may be harbouring. Some issues of significance and which need to be understood are:
  • Know that appointment names are meaningless: Do designation names restrict the way you think and deliberate? If you were asked to write down all the jobs that cross your mind, perhaps you would be able to catalogue only some and miss out on many. If you cannot identify them, it goes to show that appointments and designations are of little consequence. Therefore, you should concentrate only on various prime ideas that hold out significance for you and your job.   
  • Identify actions to be precluded: This is not a very difficult activity, more so when you are in a job that is not offering you any contentment. Besides helping you to make consolidated efforts on assignments that are gratifying, becoming aware of actions that you should not be indulging in will facilitate in the identification of  annoying and vexatious tasks in situations other than those that you routinely encounter. You will thus be able to accept or reject a new job offer which could be similar to your present one.
  • Draw up a ‘like-to-do’ list: How do you envision your new career? Are there any yardsticks related to remunerations, position or status that you have set for yourself to attain? You must look within to find out if you are adhering to any tenets and following somebody else’s ideas. This will help you discern what you aspire for or what others would like you to be?
  • Where do you want your imagination to take you? If wishes were horses, where would you be galloping to? You are all set to take off. And your imagination should not have any ceiling. If you were to see a shooting star and make a wish for your career, what would it be? You must hitch your wagon to a star, aspire to do great things and not have any pessimistic goals.
  • Identify what you want to achieve: What is that you would like to get your hands on? We do not let ourselves obtain something that we want. For example, you may aspire to bring in lot of money, but since it may portray you as a materialistic person, you shelve the idea. Likewise, you may want a relaxed job, but are afraid of being branded as non-enterprising and hence do not look for it. It is also likely that you want to establish your own venture, but do not do so because you do not want to take risks. You need to discern what you need yourself to be permitted to get hold of.
  • How would you want your new life to be? If you were given a chance to re-author your life, how would you like it to be? You need to discover your life’s destination and not be reined in by any factor. If you were to be transformed into an absolutely new personality, how would you like to be? The work that this ‘new you’ would like to do should be found out. Obviously, all these things would inspire you and you should find out where such motivation will lead you.
The new career that you envisage for yourself should not necessarily be anything grand to a remarkable degree. Minor changes can always serve to alter your life and career significantly. In the light of the foregoing, it is necessary that to understand that achieving a successful career change is all contingent on how you get to discern what is in your interest. You should not forget that the people who taste success are invariably those who are watchful and are on the lookout for situations that they desire; and should that not be possible, they create them. 

Remember that your life is yours and if there is any one who is responsible for steering it, it is you and you alone. Any career change could prove to be quite an upsetting experience and hence any decision that you make in this context should be after due deliberations.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Self-investment pays rich dividends

There are only two options available to you for leading your life. The first is suffer whatever it has to offer you and resign to it; and the second is to take everything, howsoever negative in a positive way and advance through it. The first method will lead you to stagnation and disgruntlement but the second one will make you prosper and put you on the path to success.  And to be successful, you will have to invest in yourself.  During the initial stages, self-investment may not be appealing at all, however, it is an inescapable requirement to be successful in your life and career alike. 
The reasons why you should invest in yourself are:
  • You remain in control of your future:  It is you alone who has to shape up your career. If you invest in yourself, you will enjoy lucidity of thoughts, supremacy of action and means of enforcement – all for your better tomorrow. However, you will have to be venturesome because a faint heart never won a fair lady.
  • Returns offered are utmost:  You get returns from financial investments alright and in some cases, they could be rather high. However,  true returns accrue to you only if you carry out self-investment because such an action brings about an upgraded and refined ‘you’ as an individual. You will find opportunities flying past you and hence you will one able to enhance your efforts towards your career advancement.
  • Your dreams can come true: The purpose and objectives of your career and life alike cannot be left to remain in the realms of your desires. A career that is botched up has immense likelihood of upsetting your objectives in life. Your investment in yourself is a true manifestation of your pledge to attain whatever you dream for and which will be brought about by it.
  • Profits are reaped only by you: Have you ever imagined being the head of a company called “Yours Truly’s Private Limited Company’? If you happen to be the head off it, it will be your prime responsibility to ensure that it functions smoothly and that it progresses.  You can do that by drawing meticulous plans, executing them judiciously and safeguarding all investments made by you. That sums up how self-investments need to be looked after to reap maximum profits.
  • Your reputation is enhanced: If you do not make use of your capabilities gainfully, distinction will always give you a slip and this can have very detrimental impact on your. You can always comprehend your strengths and capacity to become great by being aware of your skills and penchants; and more significantly by making intelligent investments based on your presently dormant but actually promising qualities.   
  • Your personal value increases:  It is essential that you create two portfolios. While the first should record all your pecuniary details to include assets and liabilities, the second should summarize all your skills and talents as also obsessions and USPs.  If you invest in the second portfolio, you will be able to augment your net value; and an increased net value will automatically raise your assets in the first portfolio.
You may possess great confidence in yourself and immense zeal to march ahead all by yourself. But despite such self-assuredness and passion, you will still need some help and guidance. Therefore, it is necessary that you identify people who also need to be invested in; they could well be anybody who you consider to be genuine and helpful to facilitate your advancement. There is nothing wrong in seeking external assistance because you cannot afford to live with your vulnerabilities in perpetuity. When somebody guides you, it so happens that you become aware of your weaknesses and goaded by others who are your well-wishers, you get set to improve yourself.
With the passage of time, you will will certainly feel emancipated and when you look back, a feeling of satisfaction and achievement will set in. That feeling of achievement will gear you up to work hard and face various challenges with conviction. Remember that in your life’s and career’s journey, you are all by yourself; and that your single-handed efforts matter a lot. Whether you win or lose, the impact is going to be felt only by you. In other words, if you invest in yourself, it is you who will derive maximum benefits.

Self-investment is the best investment that you can ever make. It improves your life alright, but also improves the lives of people about whom you are concerned. And such pay-offs carry on till you walk this earth.

Exercising a career choice is a test by itself

In recent times, careers have increasingly come about to be regarded as a blend of our individuality and work. It is therefore no wonder that career selection is quite a colossal exercise by itself and to put it in a straightforward way, a trial for anybody out to embark upon a career journey. This is largely on account of existing social conditions wherein we tend to accord great importance to our careers which are viewed as bread-winning endeavours. 
In the light of the above, if you do not do reasonably well in your career, you will suffer immense dissatisfaction, even if you are well-off otherwise. But if things are smooth sailing on your career front and other aspects of your life are not in very good form, you will still remain happy and inspired. Therefore, the hard fact that emerges is that your career is a very important building block of your life. A successful career is one of the paramount elements of that you can ever come across in the world and a bad one undeniably your life’s worse curse.
People find the process of career choice terrifying and tend to get crushed under its weight. The pressure starts mounting as they plan to get into college where electing subjects is a big bugbear; students apprehend that an incorrect selection will ruin their chances of getting their dream job. This apprehension is not totally baseless and hence you need to look ahead and plan in advance. Nobody expects you to be totally perfect and matchless. You will make mistakes.  But it is necessary that you regard efforts wherein you do not succeed as jumping boards to success. And should you not come up to desired standards, a disposition like that will boost your long-term prospects of success.
The writing on the wall is thus clear. If you go off-track in your career choice, the result can be disastrous and extremely detrimental to your well-being. An incorrect option will unquestionably be a cause of pain and agony in your life. It will have a very discouraging impact on even upbeat facets of your life. Your physical wellbeing, affiliations, rapport and domestic happiness can all take a beating. Nevertheless, you should be prepared to expect some adverse and critical developments on a regular basis; coping with them will always be is a big challenge.
Surveys conducted have thrown light on the fact that sixty per cent people fail to make a correct career choice. And this happens when they do so with due deliberation and care; and after reasonable preparation. It will not be presumptuous to state that if social training was to replace conscious options and people then embarked upon a career path, there will be very few instances of mistakes in career selection.
It is only after you make a mistake that you realize it to be an outcome of some shortfall in you. You may go about doing everything with earnest intent, but you cannot be certain that your career choice is correct. a right. This is largely because you cannot discern if the path on which you are going is correct or not. You will understand that you made errors only after significant time has elapsed. Under such circumstances, what do you do when you make a wrong career choice? Do you resign yourself to fate and accept things as a fait accompli? Or would you like to stand up and display your resolve to not err again? It goes without saying that the latter option will serve your long-term interests better.
It is also necessary that you do a damage control exercise if you err in career selection. It is no point brooding over spilled milk and grieving at something that you feel you cannot reverse. If the outcome is bad, it will remain so. If you acknowledge that things have gone wrong, you should take necessary steps to reduce your losses and stand up straight at the first opportunity. You need not play the game of make-believe at all but on the contrary, initiate appropriate steps that facilitate advancement in all spheres of activity indulged in by you.

Striking a right career choice is surely a very ticklish matter even if you do so with great care and planning. You have all the right to err because every mistake will teach you something new. You will thus be able to fine-tune your thought process and improve upon your capability to make cogent decisions. Just as a chef tries, retries and retries before a perfect recipe fructifies, you too may have to do likewise before you make the decision of your life.