Friday 25 May 2018

Qualities that speak of your work proficiency

            Every person has a different outlook towards his or her life. And so is his capacity to exert influence over situations and developments. This difference in disposition and capabilities explains individual accomplishments, both at work and in life.
 Different convictions that people have tend to shape their careers. These convictions are harboured in some form or the other by all successful people. The major ones that are pertinent to individual capabilities however, are:
  • Maintaining a true you: You simply cannot have two faces to be successful. Your sincerity has to manifest in all your dealings and actions, including networking. You have to be true to yourself and should not take cover behind a screen. Remember that people who have double standards adopt tactics to please others always and tend to go off balance. They are unable to conduct themselves within the secure parameters of established logic and expectations. If you think that you will not be able to put in your best, you certainly will never be able to do so. Getting unnecessarily swayed by or aping others will stand you nowhere. Your endeavour should be to be an excellent account of yourself, rather than an ordinary form of a third person. The halo of actuality that you surround yourself with manifests your decision to handle a situation in a particular manner. And if you resign and feel that you have no control over your life and that success will come if you are fortunate enough, you will become helpless and ineffectual. Your life will thus revolve around only likelihoods. It is therefore, essential that you dream big and work hard to convert your dreams into realities. All your initiatives will give rise to new dreams and thus a feeling of accomplishment will come to you. 
  • Respecting own capabilities & trusting your actions:  You will be able to make optimum use of your capabilities if you know and respect them. This means that you should not doubt them because if you do, hesitation will become your habit and you will fail to clutch opportunities. If you happen to be working under conditions of stress and strain, you will have to display dynamism and ingenuity; under such circumstances, any display of doubt in your capabilities will cause success to elude you. Therefore, the need to remain self-confident at all times and simultaneously respect your own capabilities needs no emphasis. If you happen to be in a career that is not your passion, you will never be able to do well in it. A job and a career that is your passion will always serve to inspire you and if that be so, success will come to you for sure. You have to believe wholeheartedly each and everything you do. And most importantly, you must also have faith in yourself and your worth. If you restrict your faith in yourself, you will never derive job satisfaction. But you must also realise that you still need to learn more, and despite that, you are still the best.
  • Willingness to learn & persevere: There is no person who is qualified at all times to take on all responsibilities at work. You will never possess the requisite skills to fit into the next higher slot at all times. There are people who resign and feel that they simply cannot step into a higher position. Such an outlook is prompted by a feeling of having reached the zenith and an inability take on any further learning. Such an outlook is neither desirable nor advisable. It is essential that you believe in your capability to learn new things and move ahead. Since your career journey will not be devoid of bumps and potholes, there will be depressing moments that you encounter. Most people give up when faced with obstacles and thus stagnate in their careers. Remember that obstacles are meant to impose delays and not fullstops; and hence have to be negotiated at all costs. You have to write your own destiny and always be at the wheels of your life and career alike.
    It is likely that you are still miles away from the position that you set as an objective. However, it is important that you always believe that you will accomplish it sooner or later. It is considered pertinent to state that your optimism, self-assuredness and resilience are of a high degree at all times, This will ensure that the path on which you are moving holds out a charm and importance; and given to believe that favourable times are just round the corner. But till such time that happens, you cannot afford to be slack and allow your determination to plummet.

Getting along well with demanding jobs

A demanding job is similar to a bomb; its detonation blows you up. You will encounter many people who will tell you that they can cope with it better. But the fact is that somebody else’s template will not work for you and that you have to devise ways and means to get along with your demanding job. Getting along a demanding job is no small effort for it affects your wellbeing. Your focus on it tends to be so intense, so much so that your work-life balance goes for a six. However, if you are able to deal with work pressures, you can sail through successfully.
There are various ways to handle a demanding job. The hassles and pressures associated with it depends on the effectiveness of how you enforce these methods and gauge if you are on the right path or not. In this context, three useful tips are:
  • Talk matters out: If you feel overturned and exhausted, it will be in the fitness of things to not allow pressures confined to you. The pressures could be anything – load of several concurrent projects, deadlines, peer pressures and management expectations. Allowing them to stay bottled up  inside you amounts to something like a suicide. Remember that excessive stress can be very harmful to your physical wellbeing and that in the process will adversely impact your efficiency and productivity. If that be so, what should be your line of action? You need to open up your heart to someone. A friend or a colleague could possibly lend you his ears. You can also talk out matters with any of your family members or relatives. When you talk about your stress with others, you automatically reduce it. An initiative like that also draws suggestions and recommendations from others, which otherwise may not come to your mind.
  • Make a note of your reflections & goals: There are some jobs that call for deep thinking. Such contemplations can prove to be of great advantage. You will be able to ponder over matters in advance and thus be able to come out with great ideas on going about with high pressure assignments. It is essential that you reduce your objectives to writing because in doing so, you will always see them and get inspired. In addition, you will be constantly reminded of them whenever you undertake any task. The net outcome will be that you will be able to discern if you are moving in the correct direction or not. Any deviation will automatically generate an alarm so that you can take necessary corrective actions. 
  • Prioritise assigned tasks: When you arrive at your place of work, the first action that ought to be taken by you is making a note of all assigned tasks for the day. This will help you to gauge them for their relative importance and according priority for their completion. The priority that you allocate could be based on factors like time at your disposal or necessary; the wherewithal and resources that are at your command; and the importance of the task itself. And then you can proceed ahead to finish them as envisaged by you. It may be likely that during the day, additional tasks may be assigned to you, some requiring completion by the end of day and few with attached deadlines. Here again, you will need to prioritise them. In case you think that you have time up your sleeves, you can go ahead, even if the deadline could be away. The systemisation and precedence allocation that you do may not be a very simple task and will call for expert skill and knowledge. What is important is that you need to understand in clear terms what different tasks involve and necessitate; and they can be accomplished successfully. 
A job that is demanding and puts you under pressure has the likelihood of muffling your prospects of career growth. This is largely on account of a tendency to shoulder additional difficult tasks when you are already working on some. It should be remembered that your work is your reverence and veneration; and therefore, it should not be a source of mental tension to you. However, you cannot do away with work pressures and thus learn to handle them to your advantage.
There are several individuals who drown in their workplace demands, perhaps more than the demands per se. The fact is that you can address actual ones with ease, however, imaginary and conjectured ones lead to more pressures. It needs to be understood that imaginary ones cannot be subdued at all. are unconquerable. you will need to apply your mind and good judgement under such situations.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Dream jobs and their dreamy dimensions

Most people have a tendency to consider dream jobs rather seriously; when they do so, they are prompted by their career aspirations and ambitions. And when they indeed secure one, it is only a matter of time that the hunt for another one. Why is it so? If dream jobs are a reality, then why is it that people want to change jobs when they already in one? Or is it that the image of a dream job is not clear and precise, perhaps only a figment of one’s imagination?
The perception of a dream job varies from person to person. And every individual realises that no job can ever satisfy all needs and make life a truly happy experience. Salary structures and job profiles invariably are two prime factors that weigh on everybody’s mind while considering a job. And in case there is no job satisfaction, the job ceases to be a dream job.
Dream jobs, as the name suggests, exist only in minds. They continue to be regarded as dream jobs so long as there is nothing adverse about them. The happiness associated with dream jobs diminishes when the going gets tough; and that also entails low salaries and additional responsibilities required to be shouldered. And when that happens, dream jobs cease to remain dream jobs and one is forced to embark upon another job search exercise.
Wise people will always tell you that dream jobs abound, but you need to acknowledge and ratify some facts. These facts are:
  • No job can be said to be truly a dream job:  The belief that an ideal job is a dream job is wrong. A perfect job is one that affords you time other pursuits as well. If you remain preoccupied with your job, you are not in your dream job. Your job conditions should offer you opportunities to be happy, contented and rejuvenated. Simply facilitating meeting all personal obligations is not a yardstick of a dream job; you should also be able to walk around and see the sights your life. You should not expect too much from your job; on the contrary, you should carve out a good work-life balance to be able to lead a happy life.
  • Dream jobs are a matter of discernment:  Since dreams are not actualities, how you say that a dream job is. It is all about how you visualise your job and such discernment will vary from person to person. An individual working in a small organisation and whose salary is not high could well consider his job as a dream job because sans it, he may not be able to sustain himself and his family. Therefore, it is all a matter of how you regard your job, both psychologically and sentimentally.  
  • Dream job will not be there for everybody to grasp:  It is quite possible that you are performing many jobs at a time and deriving pleasure from them. If that be so, the term ‘dream job’ is not appropriate. It is quite likely that you will be happy if you give wings to your passions. However, when your passion gets converted into a regular job, your fervour diminishes as also the pleasure that you were deriving. Today, you find people taking up unconventional jobs, but they do not remain dream jobs once you are already into them. It is always better to get into a job that lets you remain in your comfort zone and step into a dream job after some time.
  • You cannot continue to derive happiness from a job forever: The pleasure that you get from a job will continue only if you harbour a pleasurable outlook. Your dream job can surely not ensure that; on the contrary, you can be subject to some tense moments by it. Happiness is always your personal discretion; if you want o be happy, nobody can make you unhappy. Your happiness is contingent on your aspirations and is thus a state that you seek to attain in a couple of years from now.
  • Dream jobs don't pay you handsomely: You may be paid handsomely in your dream job, but this will be an exception rather than a rule. If you have vim in you that attaches a high importance to money, you will eventually have diminished earnings, despite your fondness for the job. There are many people who are passionate about their work and yet make decent amount for their living. The essential point is to draw satisfaction and happiness from work and not bother much about remuneration.  
Despite the above, men and women tend to allow their imagination to run wild as far as their dream jobs are concerned. You have your own perception of what your dream job ought to be like. However, you cannot afford to go in for one on impulse. You must consider various factors associated with it before you actually take up one.

Invest in yourself & live life the way you want

You can live your life by following two methods. The first is going through it that leads you dead ends. However, the second one will surely take you to great heights, but calls for investing in yourself. The importance of investing in oneself is not realised by most people when they begin their careers. They do not comprehend its importance as an inescapable requirement to lead a successful life and enjoy a successful career.
The basic reasons why investing in one self is necessary are many and varied, the more important ones are:
  • You become your own boss: You should understand that there is none above you and that you are the best. Imagine that you are the whole sole boss of your company, the ‘Yours Truly Company Private Limited’. The responsibility to ensure that everything in the company works well and that it is all set to be the No. 1 company will evidently be yours. To be able to do this, you will have to draft a strategy, put it into motion with due diligence and ensure that the investments you have made do not plummet.
  • Your self-value increases:  As an inescapable requirement, you need to create two portfolios. The first should keep a record of all your financial details to include your strengths and weaknesses and the second one should have a brief of all your skills, talents and passions together with qualities and skillets that others do not have. If you invest in the second portfolio, your overall value will rise and which will automatically serve to beef up your strengths recorded in the first one.
  • You gain renown and prestige: If you do not exercise your capabilities optimally, greatness will elude you and this will be disastrous by all counts. You can always appreciate your power of eminence by becoming conscious of your faculties and aptitude; and more importantly by investing in your currently latent but otherwise budding attributes. 
  • You give shape to your vision:  The actual responsibility to give a concrete shape to your career is yours and yours alone. If you invest in yourself, you will enjoy clarity of thoughts, mastery over your initiatives and means of implementation. You will find that your future becomes bright. But the need is to always display a risk taking outlook because it is the venturesome who invariably progress in life.
  • The paybacks are the highest:  You may invest in real estate or in the share market and enjoy good returns. However, true returns are those when you invest in yourself because that is what brings about a better you, all set to conquer the world. can invest in the share market or buy property. Investment in yourself facilitates opportunities coming your way and help in giving a shot in the arm of everything possible that ushers career advancement.
  • Your dreams come true:  The purpose and objectives of your career and life alike cannot be left to remain in the realms of your desires. A career that is botched up has immense likelihood of upsetting your objectives in life. Your investment in yourself is a true manifestation of your pledge to attain whatever you dream for and which will be brought about by it.
  • You will be on your own:  In the journey of your life and career, you are unaccompanied and will have to work single-handedly. If you win or lose, the person affected will be you. If you invest in yourself, you stand to benefit because nobody will ever be willing to do so.  
It should be understood that the world is rather complex and it is next to impossible going about accomplishing all your objectives on your own. You may have a high degree of zeal and passion, but there will be times when you will require external help and encouragement. You will have to identify others whom you can bank upon for help. You will have to invest in them. You may have some weaknesses but cannot persist with them. It is necessary that you identify your weaknesses and gear up to overcome them, with assistance if necessary. You cannot prognosticate on how the future will unfold itself for you. It is going to happen that one fine day some years hence, you will remember your past, both good and past. But if you have invested in yourself wisely, you will be all set to face challenges and impediments that your career may encounter.
Considering all the above, the best investment that can be done by you is self-investment. It will change your life for the better and bring in prosperity for your near and dear ones too. And last but not the least, the dividends will keep coming to you on a regular basis.

Friday 11 May 2018

How do you invest in your career?

The responsibility to put to good use your fortes is yours and yours alone. It is only then that you will be able to remain ahead of others in your career. And if you are not sincere about investing in and remaining at the wheels of your career, you will not be able to accomplish anything. Your condition will be like a helpless person who dreams alright, but can do nothing to transform them into a reality. You will experience uncertainty at all times in your career journey.
You need to be forward-looking and prudent if you have to invest in your career. You should always envision the what you intend to achieve, be it good performance, promotions, salary increases and even change for the better in your life. Career investments should be in consonance with your urges and desires. It is also important that you remain alert and do not miss out on opportunities for growth. However, it is also important to be cautious of the likelihood of being unnecessarily influenced by others so that you drift away from reality; and in the process start hating your job. It should be noted that recognising your fortes is a time-consuming process, but as an when you het to know them, you can then decide on what investments you should make.
Unlike financial investments, the returns of career investment are higher. You could well get to hit the jackpot, experience greater opportunities for growth, feel that job security prevails and also enjoy immense job contentment. In the light of the foregoing, you need to identify fields where you need to invest. If all is going well, you need to invest in your:
  • Fortes: This means making use of your fortes like never done before. You should become increasingly aware of your inherent strengths that allow your capabilities to thrive, thereby goading you to invest in them. You should keep your wits about and note how others are going about investing in their careers; taking note of such dynamics will facilitate better decisions too. It is important that you do not lose sight of your passions, following which brings about greater contentment. 
  • Knowledge: The implication of investing in your brain power is that it helps in applying theoretical knowledge to problems on ground and finding logical solutions to them. A beginning can be made by acquiring relevant adeptness that will push your career in the right direction. It is all about realising that learning is an ongoing process. You should not be over-confident in your approach and in the process fail to oversee your career. The crux is to remain well-versed with latest happenings and networking with people who are in the forefront. It will not be out of place to make efforts to find out methods being adopted by your competitors who have the same objectives and goals as you.
  • Networking: Investment in good networking and connections will pay dividends in the long run. It is important that you always keep your networking alive. But more importantly, you should be able to perceive the direction you are being swayed and whether your career interests are being served or not. All said and done, you must work hard to widen your networks, foster it intelligently and keep it going. 
  • Mentor: If you seek to be on the upward move, you will be required to shoulder diverse responsibilities. Under such circumstances, it will be difficult to concentrate. While you may have in place different career management procedures, a mentor will go a long way to reinforce your obligations and offer you ways and means to keep up with your perseverance.
  • Family: When you invest in your family, the implication is to maintain a good work-life balance. You simply cannot afford to disregard your domestic obligations and concentrate only on your work and career. It should not be forgotten that your family and friends play a significant role in your career success because they are the first to come to your help whenever you get stuck. Therefore, the importance of investment in your family should not be underestimated.
  All careers call for strong and spirited efforts. Whether you are the start point of your career or midway, you ought to generate relevant and worthwhile methodologies to be able to identify and classify the relatively more important components of your job. Having done that, you should then  convert them into barometers of headway and advancement to facilitate forward movement. In other words, you need to estimate and apply your potential, come out with workable plans and make certain that your move forward is not retarded. That in essence is the purpose of career investment.

The military has a lot to teach about leadership

The rudiments of military leadership are no different from the ones of corporate leadership, but there are surely immense differences in the manner they are practised or applied. There are several lessons that can be learnt from military leadership canons and applied to functioning on ground to advantage by the corporate world.
Military leadership is all about motivating others to achieve their objectives by by of demonstration, direction and stimulation. The primary goal of military leadership is to accomplish accomplish the assigned task and concurrently make certain that the welfare of people under and subordinate to you is not dented. In this context, the most principal and important organisational  arrangement that is made use of is the ‘chain of command.’ The word command signifies the authority that is vested in a senior and which is exercised over subordinates by virtue of rank and appointment. The term ‘chain of command’ implies a hierarchy of commanders who have direct command functions and are charged with the responsibility to accomplish all assigned objectives, ensure the welfare of troops and make certain that the equipment held on charge is serviceable at all times. In the light of the foregoing, the functions and duties of a military leader can well be detailed, prescribed,  inferred and even unexpressed.
The issue of morals and ethics in the conduct and implementation of military leadership is very important. More than being talked about, it is the only medium of expression of one’s responsibility. It is practised and examples set for others to follow. Professional military ethics imply a high degree of loyalty to the nation, organisation and your duties. They thus entail immense self-sacrifice and in the process of discharging duties, your personal priority comes last. This can be understood by the following quote of Field Marshal Philip Chetwode and which continues to inspire even today everybody in the armed forces:
“The safety, honour & welfare of your country comes first, always & every time. The honour, welfare & comfort of the men you command, come next. Your own ease, comfort & safety come last, always & every time.”
In order to be able to adhere to ethics like the above, every single person in the military needs to subscribe to four inescapable values:
  • Physical and moral courage because they are intrinsic to the role.
  • Upfront disposition with everybody.
  • Adeptness and skilfulness in discharging duties.
  • Commitment to contribute for the accomplishment of all objectives and adherence to organisational values.
If leadership at any level is effective, the outcome will be a high state of morale. Troops will take immense pride in and display a high degree of loyalty to the force thatchy are serving in. They will not shirk from obeying orders and in case orders are not received, appropriate action will nevertheless be taken in organisational interests. In the light of the foregoing, it is no wonder that military leaders stand out for their confidence, courage, rectitude, determination, self-discipline, camaraderie and determination. And that is why the following time-tested tenets have come to be regarded as inescapable:
  • Competency and a desire to improve.
  • Sound knowledge of juniors and the will to ensure their welfare.
  • Timely dissemination of requisite information on a need to know basis.
  • Setting and leading by examples.
  • Conducting training collectively with juniors to bring about a sense of responsibility.
  • Employment of teams to be executed in in accordance with their capacities.
  • Seeking additional responsibilities.
  • Being answerable and accountable for one’s actions.
All military leaders are responsible for the wellbeing and life of personnel under their command. It is thus essential that they are able to provide direction, purpose and inspiration. To be able to do this, military leaders are of impeccable character who are proficient to resolve intricate issues with quick decisions. 
It is a universal truth that in the armed forces, the dignity of individual soldiers is upheld. When in the presence of troops, an officer will never have his meals before them nor will he retire for rest before they do so. And if a team or a unit is unable to accomplish an objective, leaders do not point fingers at juniors. But more importantly, in all armed forces throughout the world, there is no place for  any prejudice and bias. It is important to ensure that personal needs are moulded in harmony with organisational duties. It is also important that everybody works in organisational interests, and any aberrations are proceeded against strictly. 
Leadership, as practised in the the military can be translated to advantage in the corporate world. If the corporate hierarchy follows the armed forces’ concepts of leadership, there is no reason why individual and organisations will not stand to gain.

Friday 4 May 2018

Address your career with bulldog spirit

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”
—- Christian D Larson
It is quite a formidable task for most people to embark upon a career that is there to stay for decades and offers the highest satisfaction too. But it is possible, provided you go about with your career with determination and resolve. Any individual, irrespective of his or her upbringing and economic background can have a successful career. 
The common fallacy that prevails is that successful people become rich and pioneering by a stroke of luck; and that it happened overnight. There can be nothing farther than truth than this. We do not realise that it was years and years of hard work and struggle for them to reach positions of glory and come to accomplish whatever they have accomplished. 
It is quite a difficult task to decide on a career. But, one can still do it, provided due attention is paid to the following issues:
  • Understanding your own principles and standards that make you what you are: It is essential that you are aware of the principles and values that you subscribe and which have moulded your personality. Amongst various activities and initiatives, some will delight you and some put you off; the latter category would come to be abandoned, sooner or later. When you embark upon a career, you do so keeping yourself in mind. If you are not aware of your preferences and fortes, you will not be able to make an impression on your prospective employer, based on which he will hire you. Most people are greatly attached to their family members and prefer to work close to home. There are also many people for whom the criteria of a job is working with particular types of people only. All this is contingent on the manner in which you view the values that you stand for. It is only when you are at peace with yourself, you will be able to address your career issues in a positive manner.
  • Getting to know your fortes: It is necessary that you are aware of things you are adept at and which facilitate your best performance. If you are a patient listener but cannot see blood or people in pain, the medical profession may not be apt for you. Likewise, you cannot withstand physical stress, a career in the military is not cut out for you. You can know your fortes trough various methods; to put it simply, you need to be sure of what you like and dislike, what are your aspirations and how you ought to proceed in the direction of accomplishment of your dreams. Any work that does not appeal to you or is not in sync with your outlook should not be undertaken by you. Financial consideration related to a job should not be considered; on the contrary, you should take up a job that is in harmony with your personality and inclinations.
  • Engaging oneself in tasks that bring about happiness: Anything that you do should offer you pleasure. A job should be taken up that tends to make you hostile towards any person or thing. Every individual has some inborn traits that are much sought after in some jobs and careers. The number of jobs that call for such traits amongst people opting for these relevant careers will be many. Happiness and satisfaction, as pertinent to our careers and lives  are very important issues and ought to be appreciated by everybody. Some of us could hail from a rich background and with that support, there would be minimum tension in life. Such category of people may not work very hard. However, the large majority does decide to work hard, generate resources to lead a decent life and overcome life obstacles to move ahead. Your background may not be really pertinent for doing well and hence, while your circumstances could be anything, you can still live your life kingsize. All that is necessary is that you have to think big, be forward-looking, set goals, aim for the best and launch tiring efforts in the direction of your dreams
You should not forget that you will frequently be put to test where your devotion will be subject to check. You thus have to be resolute to finish all assigned tasks. It is only through hard work and painful endeavour, that you will graduate to better things in grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things in life. But hard work, there is no escaping from it.

Hard work is a career success facilitator

If you seek to be successful in any sphere of activity, there is no escaping from hard work. You simply cannot wait for success to happen. It will not come to four asking. You cannot purchase it off the shelf, like any item of grocery that is available in all stores.
All successful men and women are dynamic and enterprising, with resolution being a  very strongpoint of their character. Regrettably, people fail to emulate them and instead surrender to false beliefs that success is a matter of chance. History is replete with examples of how people have written their own destiny and there is no way why you should not do likewise. 
If you seek to fulfil your career aspirations and accomplish your career objectives, you cannot escape hard work. It entails good judgement, shrewdness and will-power. Five inescapable actions in this context are:
  • Have confidence in yourself & that you will be successful: Your confidence and self-belief will goad you to be successful. You should never regard success as a distant dream; on the contrary, you must thing that it is going to come shortly. It is essential that you have faith in your objectives; this can be made possible if you have all of them noted down and displayed in the same form as their images come to your mind. A portrait of your career should be visualised by you and then attention focussed on it to know if it really appeals to you. It ought to be understood that your conviction is inborn and inbred in you; and that you will need to stir yourself up for it to come to the fore. 
  • Be pragmatic & make continuous efforts to make success a reality: Your confidence is required to be encouraged and supported by ground facts. It is necessary that you discover initiatives that will portray an image of legitimacy to your visualisation of success. It entails an all-inclusive consideration of various issues like career investment and remuneration desired. In addition, you will need to discern if money is your only or top priority; or if there are other issues that are important to you for happiness. A holistic evaluation of your questions will automatically lead you to their answers. Once you have the answers, you will march ahead, chest up and self-assured. 
  • Regard being successful as a moral obligation: The possibility of success is viewed different perspectives by different people. Some think that they have to attain it at all costs, whereas there are others feel that it is their efforts that will make it happen. There are many who leave it to chance and luck. Regarding success as a moral obligation by itself is a great resolution towards it. Therefore, it is essential that you focus your attention and efforts on it. Just in case you find obstacles coming your way, you must identify newer paths, but move forward, you must.
  • Formulate a strategy & a course of action: Your commitment solidified, you must make a plan to move ahead. All information and facts that you have collected should be used for the purpose. It is always recommended to make sub-plans and then set yourself to put them into motion for accomplishment. In other words, you have to catalogue actions required to be taken by you and then prioritise them for initiation. If you feel that some actions entail significant time, they should be discarded or left to others to do. Remember that your career journey will encounter many hindrances and interruptions, however, if you plan well, you will be able to negotiate them successfully.
  • Don’t let impediments decelerate your enthusiasm:  There will be many instances when you will lose out on your zeal and feel that your hard work may not bear the fruit. You should not feel disillusioned at any stage and instead, handle emerging situations with confidence and with a practical outlook. Remember that a giant leap may not be possible, but a slow and steady approach together with regular inching forward will prove to be more beneficial to you.
It should be remembered that success comes from success. And to make that happen, you must have positive thoughts ab initio. Subsequently, your focus needs to be intense; this is an underlying principle for attaining success. You should not pause unnecessarily and get bogged down with whatever has has happened. Forgetting the past and keeping your eyes and hopes on the future will surely make your future a dream come true.